chapter 61

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Chelsey's POV

"no you can talk" gavi said

"no it's okay, what were you gonna say?"

"you first"

"fine, i just wanted to say that i'm really glad that we're taking it slow, i feel really comfortable with you and everything feels perfect"

i lied... again.

i had been feeling like he felt that way so i wanted to make sure he thought we were on the same page. i don't want to take it slow... i'm ready for a relationship.

Gavi's POV


"what were you going to say?" she asked

"oh nothing, i forgot. it must've not been that important" i looked away

i really thought this was a perfect time to ask her to be my girlfriend, but i guess not.

"YO LOVEBIRDS GET OVER HERE!" pedri yelled from the pool, where a volleyball net was set up

i got out of the hot tub, and took chelsey's hand to help her out

Chelsey's POV

me and gavi jumped in on opposite teams of the volleyball net they set up with a string, meaning we were on different teams

my team was me, lyss, chris, mase, kai, pablo, pedri, and jude

the other team was gavi, ansu, ale, eric, ferran, jack, ben, and declan

"winning team right here" pablo yelled, giving me a high five


gavi was being weird the whole time playing.. usually he would be loud, trying hard, and splashing a lot... but he seemed distant and thinking to himself the whole time

"HAHAHAH YOU GUYS SUCK" jude said, blasting the ball at jack's head

"you guys cheated" declan complained

"how do you cheat" i asked

"i don't know but you guys did" declan replied

"i think you guys just suck" pablo told them

"yeah get better" pedri added

"fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and lastly fuck you" ferran said, pointing to each and every one of us

"fuck you too" lyss said laughing


all of the boys left, and pedri gave lyss a ride home

"mase" i said, where he was sitting on the couch with me


"i lied to him again"

"about what?"

"i told him i'm glad we're taking it slow"

"why would you lie about that, i thought you were ready for a relationship?"

"i am, but i feel like he likes taking it slow and i wanted to have him think we're on the same page"

"i think you guys are already on the same page"


"i think you and him feel the exact same way"


"just trust me"

i felt my phone buzz, "it's gavi"


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