chapter 49

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Chelsey's POV

i noticed that i was on the real madrid side, probably because i was interviewing their player but i made my way to the other side anyways

i was walking over once gavi saw me, "chels!!!" he ran over to me

"hey gaviii" i said hugging him

"you ready for the interview?"

"more ready than ever" i said sarcastically

"when is it? before the game? half time or after?"

"i am pretty sure before" i told him as i saw his whole friend group walking towards us

"hey guys"

"hey chello" pablo said

"hey petty pablo, why so quiet today?"

"it's cause he's traumatized" ansu said

"what did you guys do to my favorite barca boy" i said pulled pablo towards me

"wow okay" gavi said

"we locked him in his room, and forgot to let him out until this morning" pedri said

"poor thing" alr added on

"guys my head hurts" ferran complained

"do you want advil?" i asked, looking in my bag

i saw all of them, besides eric, slowly backing away from him

"what are you guys doing?"

"he has a disease" gavi said

"a headache isn't a disease"

"it isn't?" ansu asked


they all started pushing him

"I TOLD U" pedri yelled



i laughed with eric and gave ferran an advil, "thanks chels" he said, taking it


i heard someone yell my name from across the field and i turned around, it was the boss

"alright guys, i'll see you later"

they all said bye and i went back to the boss

"are you friends with them?" she asked me

"yes actually" i told her

"oh that's cool, also i don't know if u met her but gianna had to leaving, meaning i need someone to fill in for her. i was thinking you?"

"yeah sure, what do i have to do?

"i know you're interviewing viniscius jr. before the game, but now you have to interview whoever the man of the match is after as well"

"okay, sounds good"

"thank you"

"so my instructor told me that i'll get told instructions on what questions to ask and stuff?"

"yes, you just have to ask questions like how are you feeling about the game, what do u think will be a struggle, what r u mostly looking forward to, just stuff like that"

"okay got it"

"you'll be interviewing viniscius in 20 minutes, so we'll be setting that up over here"

"okay, thank you!"

she nodded and i went over to my phone to text gavi


gavi 💗





you better get man of the match

i'll try

or one of ur friends

they'll try too

ok i gotta go start with vini, i'll text
u later if i can. and if i can't, good luck

thank u chels, and i'll be watching ur

that's scary



i went over to the setup they had going on and sat in the interviewing chair as vini came over

"andddd start!" the camera man said

"hello vini! how are you doing today?"

"i'm doing good, definitely ready for the game"

"that's great, i have a few questions for you today"

he nodded

"first, how are you feeling about todays game?"

"confident. our team has gotten much improved during the pre season and i think we have a solid chance of taking this win home today"

we kept going back and forth with questions today, as i saw gavi watching in the corner of my eye. he wasn't lying

"just a few more questions, what are you looking forward to in the game today?"

"i'm looking forward to getting back on the field after a long pre season, also to play with the new players we have signed this recent transfer window"

"cut!!" the camera man said, "we just have to fix something with the camera really quickly, you too could talk

"want me to be honest about that last question?" he asked

"umm sure?"

"i'm mostly looking forward to you being here to watch me"

"oh" i awkwardly laughed

i looked over to gavi, who had his jaw clenched

i nodded to him in reassurance and he relaxed a little bit, "ok, you're on!!" the cameraman yelled

"last question for you today, who do you think will be the biggest threat on fc barcelona?"

"i think pedri is always one to pay close attention too offensively, but defensively, araujo and ter stegen are definitely solid back there"

"thank you vini, i wish you the best of look for today's match"

"thank you, ma'am"

"cut!" the camera man yelled. "you guys are allowed to go now" he told us

i decided to walk over to gavi instead of back to the suite

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