"Vi-" Emma shivered, unable to say what she wanted to say. "Vida."

"What happened to your sister, Emma?"

"She's no-not mo-moving." Emma cried more.

"Camila!" Fabio shouted to call his wife.

"Why are you shouting Fabio?" Camila asked in confusion.

"What happened to you, Emma?" Camila asked when she saw Emma.

"It's Vida." Fabio said.

"What's with Vida?"

"Emma said she's not moving."

"What!" Camila exclaimed. "What are we waiting for!"

Camila and Fabio ran outside, Emma following behind them. They came to a scene of Vida lying on the grass looking lifeless and with a pool of blood on her head. Fabio immediately picked up his daughter.

They rushed Vida to the hospital, but it was too late. 

Vida had died from a head injury.

Camila stood in the doorway, her face twisted with anger. 

She cold not take the pain of losing Vida. And she let it all of her resentment, grief, pain on Emma.

"How could you do this?" Camila screamed. "How could you let your sister die?" 

Emma cowered in the corner, tears streaming down her face. 

"I didn't mean it," Emma sobbed. 

"I didn't want Vida to die." 

"But you did," Camila said. 

"You were the one who was supposed to be watching her. You were the one who was supposed to keep her safe." 

"I know," Emma said. "I'm so sorry." 

"Sorry doesn't cut it," Camila said. "Vida is dead because of you." 

Emma sobs grew louder. 

"I know," Emma said. "I know." 

Camila took a step towards Emma. 

"I should have never had you," Camila said, seething in anger. 

“Camila!” Fabio shouted in shock. “How could you say that? To your own daughter nonetheless" 

But Camila didn’t listen to her husband’s sentiments and continued talking.

"You're nothing but a burden. You're nothing but a reminder of what I've lost." 

Emma's eyes widened in fear. "Ma," Emma said. "Please don't say that." 

But Camila was already gone. She stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. 

Fabio could only watch as his daughter fell to the floor, sobbing. Fabio had never seen his wife like this before. He knew he had to do something to help Emma, but he didn't know how.

“Emma,” Fabio called on her daughter.

Pain is very prominent on Fabio’s eyes. It pains him seeing that his daughter is hurting from her own mother’s word.

“Are you gonna blame me too?” Emma asked, tears streaming down her face. “Just do it, Pa.”

“No, Emma, I’m not gonna blame you.” Fabio’s voice cracks. “Your mother doesn’t mean any of those words, okay?”

"I'll go after her," Fabio said, reaching out to comfort Emma. But before he could get up, Emma stopped him with a weak voice.

"No, Pa," Emma said. "Please don't. I don't want to make things worse."

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