13 - 'Rookie please!'

Start from the beginning

Price woke up, stretching, making use of the minimal space he had to do so. His fingers slid across the brim of his hat and adjusted it as he fixed his posture. He glanced out the window, finding the sky barely awake painted in deep dark blue, stars slowly fading beneath its converting color no longer welcome when the sun would arrive.

His eyes shifted to Soap, his head to the side as the belt supported him. His mouth was slightly agape as he snored at an even tone. Price stretched his fingers, popping his knuckles as they came back to his control. His eyes shifted from Soap to Ghost and you.

He raised an eyebrow to himself, studying the scene as his lips turned upwards, substituting for a chuckle. You slept soundly, chest barely moving as you slept peacefully, unheard breaths from your nose. His eyes glazed along the shared buckle, coming to the obvious conclusion that you had tried to jump once again.

'Crazy' He thought, his lips silently shifting as he mouthed the words he thought. You looked almost uncomfortable, your head turned away from Price as you slept on Ghost's shoulder. Your knees bent on either side of Ghost, one of your hands raised to his shoulder your cheek gently resting half on it, like a pillow. 

Your other arm was loosely dangling near the side by the buckle of the belt. Your body relaxed limply, pressed against Ghost. Price's eyes shifted to Ghost who was remarkably poise yet stiff even in defiance of being asleep. His posture straight, head held against the seat looking as if he was awake. His closed eyes however, told a different story.

Ghosts hand was placed on the small of your back and the other rested on your knee. Price pressed his lips into a thin line, a cold hearted man like Ghost had never looked so - caring? He shifted with a wince, his tailbone numb. He knew better than that, Ghost was only doing what was for the team. Even if you realized it or not you had an important role in this mission.

They needed you, besides he didn't like losing a teammate no matter who it was. Price wanted his team alive no matter who they were, if he was assigned with them they needed to work together. He pulled out a folder, filled with information, maps, and codes about the enemy base they were heading too.

They had to figure the best way to get in and out, the route they'd take and where they would be positioned. He picked up a red pen, circling places and labeling them. Cameras, traps, alarms etc. He had to make sure they went by undetected. He knew the team was quick, thinking fast when they are confronted with an obstacle.

Price was at this for an hour or so before hearing a soft morning from Soap, he looked up from under his hat and gave a nod. His eyes shifted out the window, seeing the sky splashed with the tropical colors of a sunrise. An intro for the sun, announcing its presence to those it shined over.

Price watched as Soap looked at you and Ghost. He looked back at Price with raised eyebrows and his lips upturned in the corners. He whispered across, his accent thick as he adjusted his uniform. "Props to' em" his grin widened "takes real courage to jump from a helicopter" Price chuckled softly glancing at the two.

He and Soap had no clue really, what happened to you. But they both understood not to pester or prod, all that mattered was you were here and heading to the mission as planned. The team came first but the mission was a close second. Personal problems had to be pushed back, dealt with later.

Being on task force 141 meant giving yourself away in many forms. Life and death, struggles and challenges. You had to overcome to move forwards, an obstacle doesn't move for you, you have to move it yourself. You needed strength, mentally and physically.

That was something that went by unspoken, a silent fact that didn't need to be heard to be understood. Here, people depended on you. You have to put yourself on the line to help others, to save a life sometimes you must take one. It's just how it works, doesn't need to known it needs to be understood.

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