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"Ricky get in quickly!" Hao said pushing Ricky into the kitchen as he closed the door.

Without thinking much Ricky switched the lights on, making Hao scream. "Don't do that! It's already dark they'll know we're here!"
And the lights went out again.

They kept on looking in all the freezers, trying to find fish. Until they finally found it, the last freezer. Hao quickly grabbed the fish, making him cringe at the feeling of holding it.

"That's disgusting, don't hold it near me." Ricky says with a disgusted face.

Suddenly they hear a noise and multiple voices, they make eye contact and start freaking out internally. Where do they even hide?
"Here." Hao whispered to Ricky pointing at a big cabinet.
They crawled into it, yes Hao was still holding the fish, and they quickly shut it.

Ricky felt like he couldn't breath, the only air he is breathing is that damn fish smell.
"I'm going to puke!" Ricky whisper yells as he hold his nose.
"Shut up!" Hao whisper yells back.

Through a small hole they can see two people enter the kitchen, but they can't really tell who it is.

"So what should we take?" One of them said.
"Mhm we should get something delicious, I bet the teachers keep cakes somewhere here."

Ricky looks at Hao with wide eyes, the two people in the kitchen were none other than Gyuvin and Yujin. They can't reveal they're here, because one it would be weird if they came out of the cabinet, and two the fish plan.

"Ah I can't believe they didn't lock the kitchen!" Gyuvin says as he starts to throw some cabinets open, making Ricky and Hao gulp.

'We are so dead!' Hao mouths to Ricky, acting like his throat gets slit.
'This is so embarrassing!' Ricky mouths back, pointing at the fish.

Suddenly Ricky felt like he couldn't hold it in anymore, this man had to get out of there or he was going to vomit all over the place.

'Don't you get out of this cabinet!' Hao mouths, pointing at him with a stern finger.
'I will literally pu-' Ricky mouths back, but it was too late. The cabinet busted open and Ricky threw up all over the floor. Great.

Hao looked in terror as he quickly put the fish into Ricky's shirt, it was tucked into his pants anyways so the fish won't escape.
As Ricky was just well.. throwing up everywhere, he felt something slimy on his back.

"You've got to be kidding me." Ricky sighs.
"Ricky? Are you okay? What're you doing here?" Gyuvin quickly walks over to Ricky, trying to avoid the puke.

As Gyuvin walks closer to Ricky he felt like backing away, he smelled like.. rotten fish?
"Uh we wanted late night snacks.. and we thought you guys were teachers so we hid." Ricky quickly answers trying to stand up.

Ricky felt really embarrassed, not only did he puke and have some random fish in his shirt. He did it in front of his newly boyfriend, how lovely.

"Yeah we'll just get going now!" Hao quickly stands up dusting his clothes off and grabbing Ricky.

As they were about to run off, Yujin stopped them.
"If you leave like that they'll know someone was here.. look at the floor." He said pointing at the puke.
"If you only swallowed a bit!" Hao mumbled.
"Oh yeah because that would've been lovely." Ricky rolls his eyes as he quickly takes a mop.

As the three friends were cleaning the floor they heard a noise, they immediately panicked. Running around like chickens without a head. Hao pushed Ricky into cabinet again, closing it behind them.
Gyuvin and Yujin right in the cabinet next to them.
Great feels like a deja vu.

'Now hold your nose!' Hao mouths to Ricky.
This could've gone so much easier, but of course something had to go wrong.
'You put a fish in my shirt!' Ricky mouths back with a lot of angry hand gestures.

"I swear I heard noise from the kitchen!" One voice said, which Hao recognized immediately. It was Hanbin.
"What does it matter there's no one here, let's just go." Jiwoong says switching the lights on.

"Oh my- what is that." Hanbin says shocked pointing at the floor.
"That's disgusting. It also smells disgusting in here!" Jiwoong says dramatic, waving his hand in front of his nose, trying to wave the smell away.

As if Ricky wasn't embarrassed enough, hearing this his ears went red. He was still holding his nose, in no way is he breathing that fish smell through his nose again.
This plan had been going absolutely amazing right..

"They must have left before we got here." Hanbin said looking around.

He motioned for Jiwoong to follow him 'outside' as he started 'walking away', he started stomping his feet on the ground. Acting like he was going away. But in reality they were still in the same exact spot.

And as stupid as the four in the cabinets were, they believed it right away. As soon as the stomping stopped, they got out of the cabinets, standing eye to eye with none other than Hanbin and Jiwoong.
"Oh." The four say looking at each other.
"What're you guys even doing here?" Jiwoong asks looking around.
"Hao?" Hanbin looks confused as he sees Hao.

Of course mister class president doesn't like it when students are snooping around in a place where they can't go. But Hao convinced him to go to the forbidden forest why not now?

"We were here for a late night snack." Hao says as he grabs Ricky trying to leave (again).
"We'll be going now so yeah." Yujin also tries to leave, with Gyuvin following close behind.
"Hold on. Why's there.. vomit.." Jiwoong asks with a disgusted face.
"Uh well Ricky wasn't feeling that well." Hao smiles awkwardly.
"This all seems a bit fishy to me." Hanbin says serious, confused as to why everyone's there.

Ricky can't help but to let out a laugh as he heard Hanbin's sentence. It definitely was fishy, as in literally.
Hanbin's face is full of confusion as Hao and Ricky start laughing quietly.

"We'll talk about it later you can all go." Hanbin says not really understanding the situation.

Ricky and Hao nod at each other, onto phase 2, getting that fish in the tent! Hopefully Matthew and Taerae got the two girls out of the tent...

When my dog eats fish his breath STANK 😭 I can't handle the smell of fish 💔

I couldn't care less! [Haobin]Where stories live. Discover now