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They finally went inside after the new guests were done roaming around the garden and looking at the outside of Ricky's house, which could also be described as Yujin said: A big ass castle.

"You guys can go up to my room, I'll ask the maids to get us something to drink and eat." Ricky says while pointing at the staircase.

At this the guys were genuinely shocked, how is this man insanely rich and acting really normal about it. Gyuvin was trying to connect to dots but he just never knew Ricky was this rich.

"Come on follow me." Taerae says while leading the way.
"When is Gunwook arriving again?" Hao asks to no one in particular.
"Ah he said like half an hour later, so he'll be here soon." Taerae says having a few heads turn.
"Huh how do you know?" Jiwoong ask confused, sharing some glances with his friends.
"Ah when we were going to the principals office, he gave me his number." Taerae shrugs not thinking much about it.

At this Jiwoong winks to Hanbin knowing what to tease Gunwook about next. Gyuvin and Yujin are literally touching everything while walking towards his bedroom.
And Hao is so tired he could just fall asleep on the staircase right then and there, which Hanbin seems to notice.

"Hey are you okay?" He ask worried.
"Mm? Oh, yeah. I'm just really tired." He shrugs not making eye contact.
"Don't worry, if you're feeling too tired you don't have to put to much effort in the project today! We have plenty of time." He gives a reassuring smile and touches Hao's arm slightly making Hao flinch from the sudden touch.

They keep on walking until they finally arrived at Ricky's room.
"SUPER JUMP!" Matthew yells while launching himself onto Ricky's bed, making Jiwoong chuckle and whisper a silent 'cute'.
"His bed is SO soft, it's like sleeping inside of clouds!" Matthew continues making everyone turn their heads towards him.

"Now I want to touch it but I don't want to seem weird." Gyuvin says sadly.
"I'm pretty sure Ricky doesn't mind if you sit on his bed." Taerae chuckles while laying next to Matthew.
"His room is so big." Hanbin keeps on staring at literally everything, it's a modern room. Just black and white, no hint of any other color.

"Oh hey guys you can make yourselves comfortable, you can sit on the bed or on the sofa I don't mind." Ricky says while walking in the room.

Just as he's about to sit the doorbell rings. Probably Gunwook, Ricky thinks to himself.
"Should I get it?" One of his maids asks.
"Sur-" Ricky wanted to say but Hao put his hands on his mouth.
"No it's okay Kristen!" Hao yells, having a plan.
"Wha-" Ricky looks at him with so much confusion it almost makes Hao laugh.
"Taerae wants to open the door." Hao winks at him.

Everyone seems to understand, but Ricky is just lost. Why would he want to open the door?
Yujin wiggles his eyebrows at Taerae.
"Oh come on you guys, just because he gave his number doesn't mean he's into me." Taerae huffs and stands up, with all the eyes glued on him he feels his cheeks burn pink.
"I bet Taerae can't even make it down the stairs." Matthew jokes.
"Oh aren't you the funniest. And no, I'm taking the elevator." Taerae sassed as he walked out the door.

Now all the heads turn to Ricky.
"Elevator?" Yujin chokes out.
Gyuvin jumps up and starts shaking Ricky like crazy, making him dizzy.
"What is your secret?!" Gyuvin shouts, while he keeps on shaking Ricky.
"Can- You- Stop- Shaking-" Ricky tries to form a sentence, eventually Gyuvin stops and Ricky straightens himself.

"Um Hao?" Everyone turns their head to look at Hao who was spread out sleeping on the carpet. Hanbin smiles at him finding him cute, he looks like an angel.
"He's not waking up soon." Matthew says poking Hao's cheek.

Taerae made it downstairs and rushes to the door, he opens it and his smile disappears.
That is not Gunwook.
"What're you doing here?" He gave him a disgusted look.
"Is Hao here? Do I even need to ask, considering you're here. He's here too." The persons says trying to push past Taerae.
"I'm not moving!" Taerae says firm, trying to hold him back.

Fuck why is he here? James.
Or Hao's horrible stalker ex, he can't just leave him alone. Even though he was terrible to Hao and cheated constantly, he thinks he can show up to Ricky's house..?

"Fucking move out of my way you little worm!" He says while pushing Taerae to the ground.

Fuck fuck fuck, Taerae thinks to himself. He sees James running up the stairs. Stopping him is no option, he quickly takes his phone and calls Ricky. He immediately picks up the phone.

"RICKY CODE FUCKING RED!" He yells into the phone.
Matthew overhears, well everyone does but Matthew understands. He flinches, the rest don't know what's going on but they know it isn't something good.
"Matthew stay inside, hide him now. Don't wake him up he doesn't need to know. Lock the door once I'm out." Ricky says quickly running out but before he could shut the door Gyuvin went with him and then he shut the door.

"Guys can you please pick up Hao without waking him, inside Ricky's dressing is a secret path to a room. Put him in there. Wait Jiwoong can you please stay with me?" Matthew asked scared. He gives directions to where the entrance is.
"No worries me and Yujin will take care of Hao guys." Hanbin doesn't know what's going on but this seems like something bad. He quickly and carefully picks up Hao and goes to the secret room. Yujin is scared and moves fastly.

"Gyuvin you should've stayed inside.." Ricky says worried.
"What's going on? I'll help you." Gyuvin doesn't know what's waiting ahead of him and why they're acting like this, but he can't lie. He's trembling.
"I'll explain it later, if you see someone you don't know stop them, and stay close to me."
He shivers.

We needed some drama didn't we 😭
I hope you're enjoying the story so far! If there are any spelling mistakes, let me know! My first language is not English :)

I couldn't care less! [Haobin]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن