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"Hey Hao I'm back!" Hanbin walked over smiling, as he suddenly saw Hao's red puffy eyes. "Are you okay?! Did you hurt yourself? I shouldn't have left you alone! Did you hit your fingers with the hammer?" Hanbin started ranting, making Hao laugh.
"I'm okay." Hao genuinely smiled at Hanbin, he pulled himself off the log and held Hanbin's arm. "Thank you for worrying." He blushed lightly, making his way over to the other side of the tent.

And Hanbin was now a blushing mess.
What had even happened before Hanbin left?  Hao couldn't even look one second at Hanbin before.. Well thank you camping trip, Hanbin thought as he looked up barely seeing the sky through all the trees.


"RICKY I SWEAR! ONE MORE FUCKING TIME AND I'M MURDERING YOU!" Taerae screamed at Ricky, as he keeps on unzipping Taerae and Gunwook's tent.

"KILL THAT BUG RIGHT NOW! You know it's YOUR fault it got in here in the first place!" Taerae pointed at some giant bug that was in the tent.
Ricky took a look at it and shivered, ain't no way he's even coming near that thing.
"I'm not touching that!"
"Oh you SO are!"
"No! Look at those wings!"
"It's in here because of YOU! Kill it NOW!"

Gunwook just went to the toilet and as he was approaching his tent, he could hear a lot of screaming. He wondered to himself what could possible be going on as he quickens his pace.

"Um guys?" Gunwook entered the tent looking confused as he saw Ricky and Taerae in the corner of the tent, holding each other as they were screaming.
"Please kill that insect!" Ricky starts pointing at something on the other side of the tent.
Gunwook moved his head to look at the other side of the tent only to see a beetle.
He looked at the two, then at the beetle, mentally facepalming.


"Yay finally our tent is ready!" Matthew exclaimed happy, giving Jiwoong a hug to celebrate.
"Let's put our stuff inside." Jiwoong smiles as he sees Matthew picking up their stuff and moving it in the tent.
He's often caught himself smiling, and blushing at small things Matthew does. He's a really bubbly and kind person, Jiwoong loves to have around.

"Uh earth to Jiwoong?" Matthew waves his hand in front of him, making Jiwoong get back to reality. "Let's go inside, I'm tired!" Matthew says dragging him inside their tent.


"I'm so tired, I'm glad the tent is finally set up!" Hanbin says content, noticing that everyone else is already in their tents.
"Yeah me too, I'm so tired. We have to wake up way too early.." Hao sighs

Hao notices he still has to pee. But he's too scared to go, because it's too dark. And the toilet is outside of the forest in the cabin.
"Um.. Hanbin..." He gently tugs on Hanbin's arm, embarrassed to ask him to go with him to the toilet.
"Yes?" He turns towards him nodding.
"I.. have to go to the toilet.. but it's really dark outside.." Before he could even finish, Hanbin had already answered. "Ah! Don't worry, I'll come with you!" He says standing up, having to still bent a bit because the tent is not high enough to stand.

Hao feels his face heat up again as he's just plain out checking Hanbin out. He's looking at him up and down, and damn he was one fine man, he thought to himself. He's wearing a black tank top and some checkered pyjama bottoms. You can see his arm muscles, and his tattoos are on full display.

Hanbin noticed Hao was staring at him up and down, making his cheeks heat up as he chuckles.
"Let's go Hao?" He laughs, pulling him up.
Hao quickly diverts his eyes as he noticed he was staring for a bit too long, letting Hanbin pull him up from the floor.

Hao walked a bit in front of Hanbin, feeling a bit embarrassed because he was caught staring at him earlier.
But now Hanbin was the one staring, Hao looked absolutely perfect. He was wearing an oversized shirt and some shorts, it made him look absolutely adorable. Hanbin thought he looked angelic. Cute, he thought.

"What?" Hao turned around as his whole face was red, in his advantage the dark covered it up. Did Hanbin really just call him cute?
"Huh? I said that out loud?" Hanbin cursed in himself, did he literally just say that out loud.
"U-uh.. well. Yeah."
"Oh! Well it's the truth anyways." Hanbin smiles.

Hao was practically feeling like he was in a sauna at how hot he was feeling.
"Wow isn't this forest very warm in the evening." Hao laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head. Making Hanbin laugh as he goes to walk next to Hao interlocking their arms.


"This is terrible I can feel the ground through this mattress." Gyuvin sighs as he keeps on rolling around, trying to lay comfortable.
"My side is okay, if you want just come lay closer to me." Ricky says without thinking much.

Gyuvin's flinched, his mind immediately going crazy. Laying closer to Ricky?! His face heats up, but he already knows what his answer will be.

Wait, Ricky suddenly thought, now his mind comprehended what he had just said. "Y..You don't have to if you're uncomfortable of course.." he adds quickly hiding his face under his blanket.

The 9 friends decided to just take a big warm blanket instead of sleeping bags, because most of them feel isolated in a sleeping bag and it's annoying to turn around in it.

Gyuvin didn't answer, so Ricky thought he fucked up and made it awkward. Until he suddenly feels movement, and feels a presence next to him.
"Hi." Gyuvin says quietly as he looked at Ricky who has his eyes closed. Ricky's eyes flickered open as he is met with Gyuvin's sparkling eyes, making him smile like an idiot.


Hao and Hanbin were finally heading back to the tent. It was very dark and Hao wasn't careful as he was just taking big steps, he tripped over a branch making him land right on the ground.

"Oh my god are you okay?" Hanbin moves over to him, crouching down next to him.
"Yes, it's just my ankle hurts a bit." He tries to get up but his ankle still hurts a bit, he stumbles and lands on the ground again.
"Don't worry, I'll carry you there." Without waiting for Hao's answer he picks him up bridal style, making Hao hide his face with his hands.
"Thank you..." He whispers shyly.

They were finally in the tent and Hanbin carefully put Hao on the mattress.
"I could've walked though.." Hao says as he puts the blanket over him.
"I'm happy to carry you anytime, you're as light as a feather." Hanbin goes to lay down next to Hao.

"Thank you." Hao said after a while.
"Mm? For what?" Hanbin says tiredly.
"For always being so kind." He almost whispered as he fell asleep.
"Thank you for coming into my life." Hanbin whispered, but Hao had already fallen asleep.
Hanbin took one last glance at Hao, also falling into a deep sleep.


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