515 31 19

"Um hi?"

At this they suddenly froze, but when Hao made eye contact with Ricky he bursted out laughing again.
"Hi!" Hanbin says as he sounds like some robot.
"What're you.. doing here..?" Gyuvin says as he looks from Hao (who was still on the ground) to Hanbin.

"Well isn't life funny!" Hao stands up as he goes to Ricky. "Isn't the river romantic?" Hao whispers in Ricky's ear as he freezes.
Now Ricky's eyes went from Hanbin, who was scratching the back of his head awkwardly, to Hao who had a smug look on his face, and lastly Gyuvin who was extremely confused.

"Don't tell me.." Gyuvin points at Hanbin and Hao. Making Ricky nod slowly gulping.

"I mean you guys weren't stretching, but some may call what you were doing a sport I guess?" Hanbin smiled awkwardly, this made Hao burst out laughing again (he had the time of his life).
Ricky and Gyuvin's face were now extremely red as Ricky hid his face in Gyuvin's shoulder.

"Please.. don't tell the rest," Ricky pushes his hair back. "We are still figuring things out." He says shyly.
"Please keep it down in the night, tents aren't soundproof." Hao laughs at his own joke.
Hanbin tried to hold his laugh as he saw the shocked face from Gyuvin, failing miserably.

"We won't tell anyone, don't worry." Hanbin says in between laughs.
"Oh but I will tease you so bad." Hao says thinking about all the times Ricky made jokes about Hao's crush. (And he still does, Hao is in denial.)
"Let's go back? I think it's about time to go eat now." Hanbin says as he's already starting to walk.
"Oh but they've eaten." Hao says earning a hit from Ricky and a 'fuck you'.

They finally arrived at the cabin and as they walked in, everyone turned their heads.
"Class president! I missed you!" Hana yelled with a big pout.
"Oh hi!" Hanbin waves.
Hao rolled his eyes as he walked over to the rest of their friends who were waving at them to join their table.

"Where were you guys?" Gunwook asks looking at Gyuvin and Ricky.
A slight blush crept onto their cheeks.

"He's embarrassed because Ricky had diarrhea." Hao says with a stern face, trying not to laugh.
"WHAT?!" Ricky practically screamed, making all the other students glance at him.
"It's okay it happens to the best of us." Hanbin smiles apologetic. Giving Hao a wink.
"This is terrible I'm not entering the damn bathroom cabin! Like the diarrhea smell I don't need that." Taerae says giving Ricky a side eye.
"But I-" Ricky got cut off.
"Don't worry, you're just not used to the forest." Jiwoong laughs.

Ricky didn't know how this was any better, he knew Hao was the last person he needed to know.
"You did use the toilet.. right?" Matthew says looking at him up and down.
"Y-" Again, cut off. Tough life.
"No, he was very scared that someone would've  heard him on the toilet. He decided to go in the forest." Hao says, making Ricky's mouth drop open.

Ain't no way Ricky would ever take a shit in the middle of a forest. Gyuvin was just shocked he didn't know whether to laugh or help him. Ricky glanced at Gyuvin with an annoyed face.

"Dude! What if I end up stepping in it!" Matthew scrunched his face, pinching his nose.
"Why was Gyuvin even with him.." Yujin looked between them, raising his brow.
"I WAS THE ONE WHO SHAT IN THE FOREST!" Gyuvin yells as he stands up, trying to cover for Ricky.
Silence. All eyes on him.

Everything and everyone went silent.
Gyuvin looked around as he sees everyone's shocked expression, including the mentors.
"Um, please continue eating students..." Mr Smith stutters out.
Gunwook starts laughing as he points at Gyuvin's face.
"I knew it wasn't Ricky, that man would never take a dookie in the forest." Taerae laughs.

Gyuvin was just frozen in his place as he just confessed shitting in a forest to all the students and mentors.. And it's not even real either.

Ricky grabbed Hao and Gyuvin by the arm as he dragged them outside. "Diarrhea?! Are you insane?!" Ricky looks him right in the eyes, if looks could've killed right..
"You didn't want me to tell them, I covered for you. I didn't know your lover boy would start yelling that he took a shit in the forest?" Hao shrugs.
"Oh we'll get back at you alright." Gyuvin smirks at Ricky, as he nods.
They went inside again making Hao wonder what they could possibly do.

"Okay students! I will tell you all what the first game is!" Ms Shay said while putting her hair in a ponytail.
"We can never rest." Jiwoong sighs.
"Jiwoong I heard that. Anyways, in the forest there are envelopes hidden," She says excited.
"What if Gyuvin took a shit on one?" Yujin jokes, getting himself hit by Gyuvin.
"Inside an envelope is a question or something you have to do. You will return to me or Mr Smith, and we'll say if you failed or succeeded. If you and your partner gain to most points out of all students, you will win a prize!" She continues.

Everyone was really excited to win the prize, even though they didn't know what it was.
"I hope there's nothing with sports, because I'm not doing that." Taerae huffs, not really looking forward to it.
"Don't worry I'll do those." Gunwook winks.

"3..2..1! Go!"
Everyone storms outside.

Hao and Hanbin and been walking in the forest about 5 minutes and they still hadn't found anything. That was until Hanbin saw something.

"Hao! Look!," He says pointing at something white inside a tree. "Isn't that an enveloppe?" He asked as they came closer to it.
"Yes! But we can't reach it.. How was it even placed there?!" Hao looked almost offended.
"I'll lift you up!" Hanbin said without thinking.

Hao immediately felt blush creep onto his cheeks, he knew this was logical. But the thought of Hanbin picking him up, made him flustered.
"A..ah yes of course." Hao says shaking his thoughts away.

Hanbin moved behind Hao as he carefully placed his hands onto both sides of Hao's stomach. "If I'm hurting you be sure to tell me." Hanbin gave him a smile.
"Yes.." Hao nods quickly, feeling the place heat up where Hanbin's hands are placed.

"1, 2,3," Hanbin says as he lifts Hao off the ground without much trouble. "Can you reach it?" Hanbin asks. Hao is as light as a feather he thought.
"Yes! Almost," Hao stretches his arms as far as possible making his shirt go up, exposing his stomach. Yes, Hanbin's hands were now on Hao's bare stomach. He was internally panicking as he felt Hanbin's hands on his bare stomach.

Calm down, calm down. He thought to himself as he quickly grabs the envelope.
"Got it!" He practically screamed.
Hanbin placed him down carefully. "You okay?" He asked looking at Hao's flushed face.
"Uh yeah. I.. Was just scared you'd drop me." He lies, pulling his shirt down.

And this was only just the beginning.

Just some random memory drop😭:
I was at a camp and it was literally like deep in the night and I had to pee.
So me & my friend went to go pee (mind you we had no toilets, we were sleeping in tents.), so we went into the forest and as I was peeing 😍🤞 we heard a scary noise. We turned to look and far away was some scary figure.
WE RAN 😍❤️ Till this day, I have no idea what that was 😭

I couldn't care less! [Haobin]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora