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Today was my first therapy session and I was here waiting for my therapist. I sneaked out again but I only decided to not involve Will in this.

I sit and wait for about ten minutes when a gentleman comes in, introducing himself as Heath Lytton. He sat before me and took my file.

This room, that I was expecting to be a hospital clinic like setting was nothing like that. It was a nice cozy room with a warm feeling. It already made me feel comfortable.

"So Ms. Smith? Can I call you Aubrey?"

I nodded with a small smile, "Yes Mr. Lytton you can."

"Well Aubrey it's only fair if you address me as Heath. My surname is not much to my liking.", His joke made a chuckle a little.

"Okay Heath."

He sat comfortably and then a maid came with a two glasses of juice.

"I hope you like Orange juice... because I do not really offer coffee here in these sessions."

I picked up my glass, "No it is really fine.."

"Well since this is our first session Aubrey, I'd like to know about what you do, who exactly are you, and what is it all that you like? I'd be fine if you do not reveal your personal information by addressing someone else's name."

That made me all the more comfortable. Because both my husband and my father were influential men, and it always bothers me that I am looked at through them. It will be good if I feel like an individual here.

We talked for few hours, and he was pretty good to talk to. I revealed that I am married and just that. Otherwise, I mostly talked about my paintings, my job, and something about my education.


When I returned home, I could hear the hush hush in the dining room.

"Sir...Ma'am was not in the library and she didn't even inform Alice where she'd go.."

I hear his voice mumbling something under his breath, "For god sake she's not well...she faints like it's her everyday's business and then sleeps like a log...I am literally very worried!"

Then I herd the familiar voice of Will, "Sir, her phone is still unreachable."

"Ofcourse it is William! I gave you one job to be her driver cum bodyguard! You were initially with my father! I trusted you with her but this time she made sure to keep you out of the way..."

I rolled my eyes. He knows. But the fact that he's blabbering so much makes it apparent that he is worried something I don't want to accept. Not after taking the decision to divorce him. There's no point in worrying now.

Finally, I entered the room, feeling a little guilty of the chaos I caused twice in a week.

I expected some snarky remark from him as I made my way in, but he only looked at me shocked. Few moments later, he sighed rubbing his forehead a little. Guess I gave my pretty husband a little headache.

"Ma'am! Are you okay???", Alice and Gaby came to me diverting my attention from him.

"Ofcourse I am okay. Why do you all worry so much and then I looked at all of them. Guys, I am a black belt and I know self defence. The only breach in my security is me not carrying a gun, which is fine because no one is coming to kill me. And if they are, then I do not mind being termed as a martyr.", Chuckling I joked, but I guess my joke was not funny to anyone.

My bad sense of humour kicks in when I am feeling guilty.

"Well...everybody...take a seat as I'd be making a real good tea for you all. And please stop stressing too much about me."

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