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My therapy day was near. And I have still not told anybody about my depression. I promised both my doctor and therapist that I would come with my accomplice the next time. But I've still not found one, or rather been reluctant to find one.

But I've decided to talk to him. Not because I need him to support me. But because he's the only person who I can burden without feeling guilty about it.

  - But wouldn't that give him hints about us conceding to him. He may take it as me backing off from the divorce decision.

I shook my head at my thoughts. He's a namesake husband who holds my responsibility until we formally divorce. It is only right for him to know about my ailments atleast. And I will still not stop asking for divorce.

The day he signs on those papers, he'd have nothing to do with me or my depression.

I stood up from the bed and went downstairs. Today was a Sunday, and my next session on therapy is on Tuesday. The house was filled with men of different shape and size, dressed in black because his majesty was at home.

When some of them noticed me, they maintained a disciplined stance. What!? Am I your school principal?

I rolled my eyes and observed everybody, as they greeted me. The guys in the inner circle smiled at me, but others were stoic as a statue.

"Hello tuxedo men! I am your shrewd bosses' wife, and the names Aubrey. Please loosen up before me. I understand your boss is a crackhead who pays you all to become robots. But I am not one of those kinds."

Some of them pursed their lips tight, while some looked behind me.

I turned only to find the pig standing there in all his glory.

  - So we got caught bitching about him.

"Mr. Husband! I was searching for you..", I said happily but he knew how 'happy' I was looking at him.

He raised his brow, "You? Searching me? Are the pigs flying?"

I chuckled and whispered, "No! Because one is standing before me."
He glared at me although I made sure his employees don't hear me.

Moments later, he shook his head, "What were you searching me for?"

"I need to talk to you."

His eyes lit up like never before. Man! Why does he look so excited?

And then soon enough I see his eyes narrowing at me and he came closer.

"I hope it is not about more arguments to support our divorce."

I had more arguments. I have them in my store. But I am not going to talk about them. Not Right now.

I shook my head, "Something else."

He nodded, and then turned to face Damon who was standing near the threshold of the hall.

"Damon, get my meeting postponed for evening and tell the maids to serve our lunch on the 2nd floor balcony."

2nd floor balcony? That has the best view of this house, facing the lake.

"We are not having a lunch date! And you can go attend your meeting. We will talk after you come back."

He chuckled, "No. Never. Who knows if you change your mind by the evening! We'll talk right now."

And then he extended his hand signalling me to walk with him. I rolled my eyes and walked ahead of him.

"Don't call my bipolar!"

"I'd rather call you multipolar. But it's nice visiting so many poles in a day."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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