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He sighed, "She's not my admirer. Okay.."

That made me laugh, "Too oblivious for his own good. I bet you enjoy the female attention."

He folded his hands at my words and stared at me, making me look away.

I went inside the room and admired the view of the city from the wall sized window. I was talking of Viability Gap funding and this guy has probably spent a billion for this very room.

"Does it bother you?", He came to stand beside me, and leaned on the glass of the window.

"Bother me what?"

"That she tries to approach me..."

The guts of this man to ask me this question when a set of divorce papers is resting in our room.

I took a deep breath and leaned too, imitating his action, "Yes. It bothered me."

His eyes lit up immediately with amusement as I said that but too soon to give a reaction dear pig.

"...yes it bothered me...stress on that 'ed'. It bothered me when I was trying to make efforts to make this marriage work. I was naive to think it would work. She always tried to put me down, and I always fought back. She called me a gold digger too, when she was probably the leader of that clan. And my discomfort has been apparent. But when I saw you never defending me, or saying anything to that woman, except a few polite warnings before the board members, I realised there is no point. Ofcourse, I wouldn't give up before her. Ever. But you need to know that whatever I say before her is not because I was jealous."

As I said that his expression changed from amused to cold, which in a way amused me.

The meeting was over. I can go back home.

I went to pick up my bag which I left here earlier only to stop in a way when I heard his words.

"I've been trying to remove her from the board and the company since long."

I turned to face him, "Don't you dare do that. She's a significant share holder, I'd be a nobody soon. Moreover, I haven't said about my discomfort to anybody so you do not need to worry about your image."

He sighed frustratedly and then came before me, "Why do have such a self drawn image of me? Don't you think I deserve a chance for you to understand me?"

I did not say anything. I was feeling the rising of anxiety within me. If I stress myself too much, I may have a panic attack.

I picked up the bag and went towards the door when he pulled me back again. This pulling is seriously getting out of hand.

"You cannot escape everytime."

"Oh! I bet I can do. I have learnt from the best.", I smiled poking at his chest to tell him who's my teacher.

He rolled his eyes.

"Her husband and my father were friends and the dead man invested good. So the board members respect him alot. I cannot just go and ask her to leave the building. That will be unprofessional. Her share originally was 22 percent and I've gradually reduced it to 10. Elijah bought some when I insisted. So..."

"First of all, stop holding my hand like it is yours. Second, your business matters do not concern me. I am transferring my shares to you. Third, that wench can't take my peace. Fourth, but you definitely can. So let me go."

"I can take your peace?", He asked like it was an achievement.

"Yes you Pig!", I snarled trying to take back my hand.

He gave me a smile, "That is the best thing you have said to me."

"Are you twisted?", If he's feeling good after hearing that, then Aubrey go die in a corner.

"A little. Need to match my wife's standards."

"My wife. My wife. I am only waiting for the day you'll leave for another two years, realising how you're wasting your time with me."

He shook his head, "I am never leaving especially not after getting fascinated by you."

I made a dirty face at that, "Fascinated?Eww!"

He chuckled, "I swear if I ever knew how interesting you were, I would have never left for even 2 days, lest two years."

"What fascinates you?", I am going to know this, and then drop that trait of mine altogether. Anything to get the sign on those papers.

"Everything. You are a fiesty woman, one who knows business, and one who does art. You attack me with every breath of yours, but you are really polite with who you like. You know how to survive. And also how to fight. You are a complete package. Just perfect to be my wife. I swear father asked us to marry because you were so wholesome. You've always been shy and silent before. I never knew you can be so colourful. Whenever we met, you looked intimidated and nervous. But recently you've been s..."

I stop him using my hand. I can hear no more. This man really knows how to unnerve me in the worst way possible.

"Even I felt the same. You are being so caring, so wonderful, so much efforts of yours in our marriage while initially, you ignored me like I am a disease. You discarded me the moment you married me. You made me feel like I am one of the most unwanted human on earth. You never looked at me enough. You never addressed me by my name. You never called me. You turned down each and every effort of mine. On top of everything, when I tried to visit you at your penthouse, I was denied entry, only a few minutes later, to find you coming out with a woman by your side. You think I am strong. Hell yes, I am. When I realised I was probably a home wrecker, I decided to divorce you. Please! For the sake of whatever friendship our father's shared, divorce me...and live with the woman you love, not me."


Will, Damon, Bryan, Ashel and Nicholas were all around. I knew they were. They were trying hard to be discrete and requested to leave me alone, but they didn't. I hate this man, and his men.

When I settled on the bench near this beach feeling drained, I realised a few tears escaped my eyes.

When he's around, I create a bubble around me. No matter how much I deny it, I know he distracts me from the depression. I am only afraid to find solace in him and then find him gone the next moment. I do not blame him for having someone in his life. And I do not think she deserves my curses. But it hurts me. When he was nothing in my life except my father's bestfriend's son, I still admired him from far. That admiration has now converted into my doom.

I keep on staring in the space, somewhere trying to find my peace in the flowing waves in the ocean before me.  They were heading towards me and then retreating back. It was therapeutic to be honest. And I did not know when I fell asleep staring at that.


"Did she have lunch?", I heard a whisper just above my head.

"No sir.", A distant voice replied.

Soon enough, I feel soft leathery surface beneath me, and moment later the moving sensation.

The familiar woody scent calmed me alot, and my head rested on the hard breathing surface.

If depression has to kill me, then let it be like this.

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