03 | metamorphosis

Start from the beginning

"What are we really talking about then?" I asked as soon as she and I were settled in. 

"Your parents had told me to...inform you about certain things in case they were not around, and I think it's the right time to let you know," she said, her eyes finding mine as she opened the binder. 

"Can I ask you something? Did they know? Did they prepare you in case they weren't going to be around? Because that's what this is looking like," Amanda had never been one to discuss things further than required, but none of this made sense until I understood that my parents had spent a while planning everything. From the trust to this upcoming information, everything is already set in place. 

"All in time, Scarlet. But for now, for your sake, I need you to be okay with just enough information, okay?" She provided me with information in bits and pieces. My parents didn't exist online because Amanda told me their business didn't allow them to. What was their 'business'? I wasn't made privy to that information just yet. 

"What's new then?" I asked, easing into the seat. 

"I am going to explain to you..."For a moment, I witnessed her at a loss of words. Her eyes zoned into me, especially my arm. I hesitated before pulling my sleeves down, which had ridden up. A small bruise remained from last week when Rihanna had pushed me into the school hall's walls. I don't know what I wanted to achieve by hiding these stray bruises, she could see me physically weaken year by year. She had always known something was up, even if Lucy didn't. 

"Have you ever thought about running away?" she asked her voice a soft whisper now. When her eyes held mine, shifting between my arm and my face, hurt bubbled inside me. I felt...weak. I felt defeated, and more than anything, I felt ashamed. 

"I want to," I confirmed to her as my voice began to choke. She could be trusted, she had known my father for years before he had been killed. 

"Okay, then. You must listen to me very carefully. I know something is going on in that house and in school that you're not ready to tell Lucy yet," I was shocked at her revelation, and as I began to protest, she gestured for me to shut up before continuing. 

"I can't help you, Scarlet. Firstly, if we expose Adrian, you'll still live with Lucy, and school will continue to be hell. Secondly, your aunt has enough money to get Adrian back. And trust me, she will," I nodded at her, fully understanding whatever she had said because by thinking everything through myself, I had realised that no matter how much Lucy might have cared for me, Adrian was her number one priority and complaining about him would only lead nowhere after a point. 

I know there is no escape from this. It won't ever happen. 

"But don't worry, your parents had thought and discussed a particular plan with me should you be caught up in such a situation. I am sure your father won't have expected any problem from his sister's side..." she trailed as my eyes widened. Had he actually thought about it all? 

Amanda and I both knew that Lucy taking my guardianship was debatable. It was a narrow chance, so I was so glad she did. My father had not been close with his sister, they had lived apart, and I couldn't even recall meeting her more than once with my parents. I know he wouldn't have expected her, a single mother with a busy business, to take his daughter, but Lucy did. 

"What's the plan?" I asked her, suddenly interested, leaving behind any emotions that had clouded my eyes before.

"On paper, it's simple, but should the need arise, you have to be absolutely sure before you take this step, Scarlet. I am serious. I have the address to your godparents' home and a phone number. But you listen to me carefully, this is the last resort."

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