"I see no issue with giving my little one something to nibble on for the walk back to the ship," he said as he gently settled his hands beneath Ilio's arms and picked him up with ease. 

He wasn't exactly happy about it, but at the same time he had something in his mouth to occupy his attention and he couldn't really find the motivation within himself to fight back, even though he knew that he should. 

Instead, he simply settled against Inkani's chest and continued to hold onto the large piece of jerky he was working on as the man began to walk out of the now-bustling business. He was even gently patting his back, quelling his nerves with the simplest touch. 

They began their walk through the busy streets as if they owned them... and considering how fast people moved to get out of their way, they might as well have. 

The two talked for quite some time about their plans while Ilio worked on his treat. He was just finishing it up after about twenty minutes and licking the remaining salt from his lips when something else pressed against them and he immediately allowed them to part and allow it inside. 


He'd never tasted anything like it. 

"It's a honey mint candy. They weren't to my liking originally, but now I fear I've grown a bit addicted to them," Inkani said as he looked the slightest bit down to meet Ilio's wide eyes. 

Of course, that sort of attention at such close range had his heart, which he'd finally managed to calm down a bit, immediately rev back up. His face also quickly began to warm again, making him look away with a nervous grumble. 

He heard, and felt, the man's faint chuckle in response, but thankfully Inkani didn't try to pat his head or poke at him again. 

Instead, he returned his attention to his crewmate and continued their conversation, allowing Ilio to carefully get his heartrate back under control. Once he was feeling okay again, he turned his attention to his current situation. Of course, he had no intention of being kidnapped, but he also wasn't sure how he wanted to react yet, either. He wasn't exactly enjoying being carried, since they were so similar in height, but he also didn't dislike it enough to force the man to put him down. 

Sucking on the candy he'd been given, he wracked his brain for different ways to go about the situation. He was thankfully getting used to Inkani's scent, too, so his mind wasn't too hazy. 

He was just going over a pretty decent plan to get out of the man's arms before they got to the docks when his nose derailed everything as it lifted into the air and sniffed a few times. 

Something smells really good. 

Inkani stopped walking a  moment later and turned his head in the direction Ilio was staring. 

"That nose of yours is pretty sharp, hmm?" Inkani mused as he turned and began walking down a small street. 

His crewmate hurried after them, reminding Inkani that they had to get going. Unfortunately for Bin, the captain simply shrugged him off until they were ducking inside what appeared to be a tiny tavern. 

"Oh, my word! Lord Inkani, I haven't seen you in quite some months!" a little old lady said as she hurried toward him and gave him a half-hug. Inkani used his free arm to return the gesture while Ilio hunched closer against his chest and grumbled quietly. 

The only reason he didn't outright growl was because the place they'd walked into smelled amazing. He didn't want to cause trouble because he wanted to eat whatever food they were making. 

"I'd like to order something, if you happen to have anything ready, ma'am?" he asked as he walked with her over to a long counter. 

"Of course, of course! We are just finishing up cooking our beef tip stew for the day. It's fresh and piping hot!" she said as she hurried to the back, only to reappear a few moments later with a little steaming bowl. 

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