The psycic showdown & New pokemons

Start from the beginning

"This is where I'm going to get my fourth badge." Ash said excitedly

They were about to open the door, when a dark grey bearded man, in a dark green jogging outfit and with a dark green cap, interrupted them. Ash recognised him as sabrina's father. The guy really wanted his daughter back, but sabrina's emotion were sealed away when she lost control of her pscycic powers.

"Are you going to battle sabrina?" The man asked

He stared at Ash, like he was studying him.

"Yes I'm battling sabrina." Ash answerd

"If I were you." The man warned, "I'd go to another gym. Sabrina will not go easy on newbie trainers like you."

Ash's eyes suddenly turned a little blue and he said,"I will defat her you don't need to think about it."

Only the man noticed it and he kept his mouth shut.

Only the man noticed it and he kept his mouth shut

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(The man's photo)

Ash enetrd the gym. The gang followed behind.

When the gang opened the door, it was completly empty!

Yellow said in confusion,"Where is everybody?"

"There should be someone around here." Ash said continuing to walk ahead then stopped at a door and said,"And I think, I just found them."

The others walk up to the door and looked inside finding several people either lifting spoon or bending spoon without touching them.

"What is this?" Brock asked

"What are they doing?" Yellow said looking shocked

"Hey what are you kids doing here?" A voice asked

It's a man with a white lab coat.

"Sorry if we disturbed you, but I'm here to challange sabrina for the Marsh badge." Ash replied

The man observed Ash for a littel while,"So I see."

"Very well. Follow me. " The mab said and led them to where Ash's gym battle with sabrina would be.

The man bowed on the battelfield.

"Great sabrina." He announced pointing At Ash,"This boy wants to battle you."

Tow figure appeared behind a curtain. One was a little girl in white, holding a pokeball, the other was a woman with long hair, wearing a long red shirt.

Ash recognized the little girl. It was the girl they had seen in the forest. The woman noded her head.

Ash stepped forward,"Sabrina, I Ash ketchum of pallet Town and I want to challange you for the Marsh badge."

The little girl said,"I accept the challange, but if you lose you will have to play with me."

The woman than spoke up,"This will be one-on -one pokemon battle. Let the battle begin."

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