"Hey! My music taste isn't bad!" Issac frowns.

"Please, you listen to Travis Scott. Who even likes that guy?" Adin scoffs.

"Ignore those two. Anyway, do you want to come this Saturday?" She inquires.

"I'll have to ask my parents first. I'll let you know what they say." I state. The bell rings and I go back home.

■ □ □ □ ■

I have a chemistry project with Kaleb, Evie, Jason, and Noelle. So we're in Jason's house because he's the closest to get to school than any of us.

"Okay, you organize this pile, and Kaleb and I will do this one." Jason points to the pile of papers that says 'Find 15 items in your house that are physical properties or physical changes'.

Evie, Noelle, and I look around to find physical properties or changes while Jason and Kaleb do the same for chemical properties or changes.

As I look around, I bump into Kaleb.

"Woah there. Don't try to step on me." He defends himself.

"I wasn't trying to," I state firmly.

"Looked like you were." He steps closer to me and I hit the wall with my back.

Mind you, that Kaleb is Italian, so he has a very strong accent which freaks me out because he reminds me of my English teacher.

"Haha.." I chuckle, trailing my voice away.

I notice a long scar on his arm. Where did he get it from?

"If I may ask, what happened to your arm?"

"Oh, you know the stupid purple-masked guy? He did that. I was going on a walk and he had the perfect time to assault me. Luckily, I managed to escape from him and tell my parents about it."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." I display my voice sorrowful.

"I just hope they get what they deserve."

Suddenly, I hear Jason's voice across from the other room. "Hahaha! I won! Even without Kaleb, I deserve a reward!"

"Remind me why we're still friends with him?" Kaleb asks me as if I'm the answer.

"Because we're all friends from middle school," I answer.

"Anyway, I'm going to help him sort them in order before he has to do any more work by himself." He then plants a kiss on my face. I'm surprised by his actions. He is, too.

He then apologizes miraculously to me and he goes back to Jason.

Does Kaleb like me?

I mean I never thought of it before, but it may seem like it.

Even if he likes me, I like someone else.


Wait, what if he asks me to homecoming? Then what do I do?

It'll make me seem like a bad person if I say no.

But it's just the truth. I don't want to lie to him.

"Yo, are you good? Ramona?" Evie snaps me out of my rushing thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just thinking too hard about the project." I lie through my teeth.

I need to stop lying.

"Sureee, you can tell us after the project is done," Noelle says as we all go back to the main living room.

We all put the papers back in order and placed them in the bag they came from. Jason took the bag and placed it in his backpack and we all sit there in silence.

"So... what do you guys want to do next?" Noelle asks out of nowhere.

"I dont know," Evie utters.

"If we're all tired, we can go back home. Do we vote on it?" I propose.

■ □ □ □ ■

Most of the votes were from all of us going back home.

Right now, I'm finishing up the Spanish assignment before I sleep.

I finished the last question and put all of my school supplies back in my bag and zipped it up putting my backpack on my chair and as I get ready to go to bed.

I read one chapter of my book and finished it at 9:30. I set my alarm, turned off my lamp, and fell asleep immediately after a long day.

■ □ □ □ ■

Authors Note: Helloooo!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took me thirty minutes to get an idea of this chapter and it seemed to work out fine which I'm really happy with! Last week, was chaos of Marching Band rehearsals. It was every day except for Monday and we had pictures day yesterday!

Question of the day: Do you guys want a POV on Miles? :D

Meeting With The Villain | Prowler Miles MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now