"Si c'est si grave, imaginez quand il sera cassé." Brandon said under his breath.

"What does that mean?" Jacob asked, taking the words right out of my mouth.

"It means we need to make sure that when we break the mate bond, it has to be as painless for her as possible. Or else we don't think she'll make it" Erica explained. 

"Yeah, tell your father we said thanks for this by the way," Brandon said walking to the other side of the room away from the conversation. As much as I hated it, it was true. Yet another reason to hate my father.

"So what now?" I asked, I couldn't enjoy a party knowing my mate was in there.

"Now we keep you two apart forever," Erica said.


"When she wakes up it will be as if she is in heat. Wanting nothing but you and your touch, her body will try and force her to finish the mating process because it feels threatened. When we break the mate bond it will burn for her more than you, if you care for her. Stay away from her." Erica said.

"Thought we weren't going to break the mate bond but weaken it?" I asked.

"We will, but it will still hurt"

"If you truly care for our sister, stay away. Your pack has done enough," Brandon said, turning to us with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey, none of this was anyone's fault," Jacob said, coming to my defense. 

"Wasn't it? Wasn't it you who bit her? Did Jasper not already know that the possibility of him mating Chole was higher than mating with Amaya?" he said walking back to us. 

"It's been this pack's fault since the moment she got here. You were meant to help her not hurt her," With every word he spoke, he got closer to me. I kept my cool reminding myself that he was the prince of the land and my mate's older brother. The points he had were true, it was our fault she was hurt. If I could stop this or take it away I would.

"Brandon, leave him alone" We turned to see Amaya sitting with her head dropped on the couch.

Erica walked over to her and rubbed her back, I could feel the pull that made me want to walk to her and never let her go. She looked up at me and her eyes changed colors, from her normal deep brown eyes to a striking hazel.

"Come on," Erica said to Brandon, signaling to leave the two of us alone. Jacob and Brandon walked away but Erica stopped before me for a moment.

"Remember what I said," she said walking away from me.

It was me and Amaya, we both felt what was in the air. I wanted to lean into it, feel her. Taste her. I had to control myself, one of us had to have some kind of control and I knew it wasn't going to be her.

She had this look in her eyes, a look that screamed for me to rip off her dress and fuck her right here. She squeezed her eyes shut and shook herself a little before opening her eyes back to me; I put my hands in my pocket to keep them away from her.

"What's happening to me?" she asked, there was fear in her voice.

"Your body is forcing you to go into heat," I answered. 


"It's a faze where your body puts you through to get me to mate with you. It usually happens when the last stage of the mating process is taking too long, but we never got past the second stage"

"It's because Chloe's Luna now," she said putting the last piece together, I silently nodded.

"So what do I do now? My body feels like it's on fire and it's as if I have no control over my body," she said frustrated. She pushed herself off of the couch and paced the other side of the room.

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