(chapter 23 What a headache)

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Bucky woke up, but he didn't just wake up normally like he usually does, no, this was far worse. He hasn't woken up in pain like this ever, but it felt like such a familiar pain that he's felt once before he just can't put his finger on it. Sam layed next to bucky as they were both in Sam's room. The room was warm and comforting. Last night bucky really liked the idea of sleeping in Sam's room for some particular reason but he of course didn't question it. He was just in the mood to lay with Sam in his room last night, but was it just that, was it just because he wanted to or was there another reason, deep down he knows though, he knows what it is, he knew in his mind that it was because he felt like something was wrong, not with anything from last night or anything but something screamed at him, yelling, scratching the walls inside his head begging him to give in and sleep with Sam, but for what, why did he feel that feeling. He's had it before but it was an emotion of some sort, a feeling that was dark and cold and it almost worried him.

It wasn't OCD or anything, or just his mind playing tricks on him like it usually does but it was again a familiar feeling that he once felt, it felt like an old feeling though, like it happened a while ago. He wasn't sure just yet but he knew one thing for sure, his head was in incredible pain. It was waving like no other headache he's had in a while. He couldn't actually believe that he didn't wake himself up from how bad it felt, it was just like a migraine. He did wake up last night though, it was pretty late, about 4:17 Am because he had another nightmare like usual. It didn't surprise him, he's used to it but when he did wake up, he felt a scratchy feeling in his throat, now, he just supposed it was the cold weather, the cold weather affects him and gets to him pretty bad really easily. Now just because he has the super soldier serum running through his veins doesn't mean he can't feel sick sometimes or catch a small cold, he has plenty of times, hell he even remembers the times when in hydra that the guards and doctors would have to help him by dosing him with medicines of all sorts so he could go on missions without being effected by the cold and pain he was in.

Back just last year he caught a little cold, his eyes were a bit heavy, his body was slightly hot and he felt a bit weak but other than that that's it. Bucky couldn't even lift his head for a moment, that's how bad his head was hurting. He didn't care to even wake up Sam from his loud grain he let out as he lifted his shaky flesh hand to his forehead. His eyes were glued shut, squeezing them shut and inhaling deeply as another wave of pain shot through his head. What was this, what the fuck was this incredibly, horrible like pain he was feeling. Whatever it was it was bad, worse than any pain his felt in quite a while. Even when he got massive headaches before, they never felt like this, but it did happen before, it did, bucky knows it, it's at the tip of his tongue he just can't wrap his mind around it though. He was so shaky, like he's been in an ice bath for hours. He was cold, his toes, fingers, the tip of his nose and his shoulders were like ice but the rest of his body was clammy and warm.

He was so cold yesterday why isn't he still? Yeah Sam was next to him but not close enough to warm him up, besides, it took longer than other times for bucky to warm up. He let out a long shaky breath, breathing in and out slowly to see if it could possibly help the pain he was feeling in his head. He did this for a moment, lowering his arm back to his side as he let out slow shaky breaths. At first he thought it was working, that the way his head started to feel it felt like it was starting to calm down and he felt a sense of relief wash over him but when he felt that sharp pain return, he knew right then that something was right. He gently opened his eyes, the ceiling becoming the first thing he saw as he laid on his back. The room was slightly lit by the brightness of the snow that got lit up from the sun outside as it peaked a little through the curtains. The birds tweeted loudly, it was a nice sound to hear when you first wake up, but for bucky right now nothing was nice, not even the thought of getting up or being held or anything sounded nice, it was him, his body, it was in so much pain, it was weak, like he just got ran over by a truck several times none stop.

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