(chapter 9 What a nap)

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It was about and hour later while Sam still stared at bucky, watching his chest rise and fall steadily. Sam noticed that he moved a lot in his sleep, he would move his legs or move his arm, sometimes his jaw would clench or would move a little like he was talking. Just about twenty minutes ago it seemed like bucky was going to sit up in his sleep, but he laid back down and went back into his slumber. It made him frown a bit, feeling bad and wondering what he was even dreaming about, but he knew it most likely wasn't anything good. But right now as Sam watched him, he heard Sarah walking up the stairs and he felt his heart stop for a moment, almost regretting laying here with bucky. He knew Sarah was going to think something was up between them two. He looked at bucky one last time before very carefully taking his hands from Bucky's waist, getting out of the bed slowly making sure not to move the bed to much to wake him.

He tiptoed away from him and towards the door, but right as he did Sarah opened it instead rather quickly. Sam jumped from the sudden squeak of the bedroom door and he almost yelled at Sarah for being so loud. He looked at her. "Shuuuushhh....your going to wake him" Sam said whisper yelling. She jumped a bit since she wasn't expecting Sam to be right there in front of the door. She was down stairs searching for Sam for about two minutes when she forgot that he was probably upstairs checking on bucky to see if he was doing alright. She looked in the room and saw bucky fast asleep on the bed. He was curled up into a ball, he basically was holding himself with his flesh arm as his metal arm was above his head. His lips were parted slightly, the little silent snores always made Sam blush a little because on how cute it was to him. She saw him slightly move his arm a little bit and squeezed his metal hand into a ball just for a moment then back to normal. She looked at Sam. "Sorry........ were you just checking in on him" she said, almost smiling to herself when she saw the spot in the bed like Sam was laying there with him.

Sam didn't know what to say for a few seconds, the way she looked behind him in the room then soon looking back at him with the slightest grin on her face made him nervous. He hoped that she didn't think anything was going on between them two, not that he didn't want anything going on between bucky and him, Sam would love to be with bucky, but he wasn't sure if he felt the same way, but he deep down prayed that he did. "I-i was checking up on him making sure he was alright......he had a nightmare so.." Sam said, telling the truth. He wasn't going to lie to her face, he hated lying to anyone, he felt that it wasn't right. She watched his facial expressions and smirked to herself, seeing how he was flushing a light red. She looked away and shook her head, smiling to herself, always knowing that something was always there between them two they just never said anything about it, but she knew the reason why, she of course wasn't dumb, they did this because they were scared they didn't feel the same way for each other, so they kept it as a secret.

Sam was confused about why she was smiling, feeling his cheeks start to heart up more. "What" he asked. She then looked at him, wanting to say so many things to him, to tell him that she knew how he felt for bucky, she knew it a while ago when they were hanging out, just by the way they looked into each others eyes, she seen the spark there, the love they had. "It's just...... nevermind,.. how's he doing. Is he alright" she said while crossing her arms over her chest. She saw the way his face fell serious and closed his eyes for a minute. Her heart broke, she saw the look in his eyes, it was something she couldn't describe, almost like he wanted to tell her something that's been on his mind for a bit while he was laying with bucky in the bed. She was about to say something, but heard the sound of the kids coming up the stairs fast, the thumping of the stairs made bucky shift in the bed a bit.

When the kids reached the top of the stairs she said. "Shhhh...." She whispered putting her pointer finger to her lips. The kids went into a hult when they looked in the room, there eyes lit up like fireworks in the sky. They were almost jumping with pure joy seeing bucky in the room. Sam smiled, seeing how happy they were to see him again after so long, it made his day. She smirked, watching them look in the room almost looking like they were about to jump on him because on how excited they were. "Hey, I know you guys are excited but uncle buck's had a long day alright....we can say hi later" Sam said softly. They both at the same time whipped there head up at Sam, pouting, wanting to say hi to bucky really bad and hang out with him. "But sam-" they both said. Sam cut them off though so they wouldn't argue with him for hours because they wanted to hangout with him so bad. "No, I told you both that you will see him soon, in about an hour or so, maybe less" Sam said. They gave him the puppy dog eyes but to there luck it didn't work. They sighed nodding there head understanding that he probably did need some rest. Sam patted one of the kids on the back and they both started walking towards there bedroom that was down the hall, making sure to close the door slowly to not wake up bucky that was still in a deep slumber.

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