The drunk dare ~ Newt

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I was sat by the bonfire watching everyone embarrass themselves. How did I get here? Well, Gally had suggested a game of truth or dare and had forced everyone to play.

My back was rested against, my boyfriend, Newt's chest. He had his arms wrapped lazily around my shoulder as he occasionally pressed kisses to my forehead and cheeks.

The game had had many twists and turns including, Alby singing to the grievers, Minho telling a funny story from the maze about how he had thought a mouse was a griever and had screamed (we all thought he had died that day) and Winston becoming so drunk he nearly fell into the fire.

"Hey, Ben, truth or dare?" Winston asked his words getting muddled slightly.

Ben was also drunk, so this could possibly end in death if Ben picked, "Dare". Great.

Winston laughed a bit then locked eyes with me, "I dare you to.... kiss y/n" I felt Newt's hold on me stiffen.

"Oh okkkk" Ben slurred.

"Hey, guys I'm not sure if this is a good idea" I mumbled. I didn't want to be kissed by Ben but I was at a disadvantage being the only girl here. Ben only advanced closer to me walking slowly and stumbling slightly.

I stood up, moving backwards slightly. Newt followed my lead but moved close. Alby obviously noticed my discomfort and said, "Pick another dare Winston, this isn't fair on y/n."

Winston didn't make any notice probably because he had passed out. Ben also didn't notice he just kept on advancing. Eventually he reached me and started to lean in. I tried to push him away but wasn't strong enough.

"She said leave her alone" Newt demanded shoving Ben off me. "That means leave her alone Ben. If you can't get that in your shuck brain then I suggest you go somewhere else."

Ben was obviously really drunk because Gally came and carried him away easily. I was thankful that ben hadn't kissed me. After the commotion ended and the game continued Newt pulled me away.

"You ok love?" He asked the worry obvious as we stood in a corner.

"Yeah, thanks Newt" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. I felt him press a small kiss to the top of my head before resting his head there.

I may be at a disadvantage but I knew Newt would be there for me.


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