Preference: you want a kiss

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Minho's has TDC spoilers


It was a normal day in the Glade. Newt was working on the plants as you wandered around feeling bored. You had some time off and all you wanted to do is see Newt. However this wasn't possible due to his duties.

"Hey Newtie" You called seeing if you could at least get a kiss.

"Y/n?" He called wondering what you wanted.

"You looked at him with big eyes and asked, "Could I have a kiss?"

He smirked and pressed his lips to yours.


Thomas was once again late back from the maze. You were waiting in front of the doors scared out of your mind with worry. They would be closing in 2 minutes and you didn't want him to be trapped inside.

"Please Thomas" you muttered. The doors began closing and you wanted desperately to run inside. But what would that do? Nothing.

You saw a shape appear around the corner.

"Thomas!" you shouted in relief and in desperation. He had about 30 seconds to make it. Time passed...






He squeezed his way through. You ran and hugged him.

"Thomas you big idiot" You almost shouted. "Give me a kiss" You muttered and pressed your lips onto his chapped ones.


You had made it. The safe haven. You may have lost a lot on the way but in then end it was worth it.

You were currently huddled against Minho's chest looking out to the ocean that was in front of you. It was silent but in a peaceful way.

"I love you Min" you whispered, "I'm glad you made it".

"I would've hoped so" he chuckled in his sarcastic way, "I love you too".

You then turned and wrapped your arms around his neck making it obvious what you wanted. Minho granted your wish by pressing his soft lips to yours.


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