Calm Down~Minho

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The Greenie had arrived only a few hours ago, and the Bonfire as well as the activities were already going. People were singing, playing drums, dancing, and even Gally had started the fight circle earlier.

By now I'd had 2 or 3 of Gally's special drink -and I had a really, really low tolerance for alcohol- so of course I was already tipsy. I wasn't thinking too clearly, but I decided I wanted to try the fight circle. I hadn't done it yet, but only because my first night in the Glade I'd refused to come to the Bonfire.

After the ongoing fight was done, I went up and tapped Gally on the shoulder.

"Hey, Gally," I said, slurring my words slightly.

"Hey, Y/N. You already drunk? The night's only started," he replied, laughing as I pouted.

"Leave me be. Anyways, I wanna try fighting you."

"Y/N...I really don't think that that's a good idea. You're drunk and stuff. Plus, if I were to harm a single hair on your head, I'm sure Minho would send me to the Grievers, or chuck me down the box hole or something." He reached up and scratched the back of his head, uncertainty etched across his features.

"Oh please, Gally. You sure you ain't just scared of the little shank? She's tiny!" I turned to look at the new voice, and I was surprised to see that it was the Greenie. He sure seemed to be hella confident for a new kid. In response to this, Gally turned to me again.

"I'll go easy, alright?" This time he said it softly so that the Greenie didn't hear.

I rolled my eyes, but turned away and nodded.

(A/N: I'm not the best at writing fight scenes, but I'll try my best.)

I readied myself, squaring my feet and putting my hands up to defend my stomach and face. Instead of defending himself, Gally squared his shoulders and slowly made his way around the circle. I moved as he did, keeping myself directly across form him. Out of nowhere, giving no indication, he charged. I jumped to the side, and he nearly ran himself out pf the circle. He turned around, his eyes slightly sparkling with mischief.

"Good moves, Y/N. But you sure you gonna last for long just dodging like a chicken?"

I knew he was taunting me in hopes of provoking me into making the first move, and it was working. I was barely holding myself together, hating the fact that he was publicly humiliating me like that.

"I wouldn't say I'm a chicken- more of a cheetah or leopard, ya know?"

He scoffed, shaking his head. By now it had to have been at least 5 minutes into the fight. I was getting a little tired, all the alcohol starting to really get to me.

Gally charged again, and like before, I jumped to the side. I still went down, slamming my head on the ground. I realized he'd stuck out his hand this time, and he was pinning me to the ground. My vision was swimming, stretching and shimmering in ways that it definitely wasn't supposed to.

"Gally," I coughed, trying to push his arm off me. He quickly got the message and helped me up and out of the circle, jeers following me out.

(Gosh, that was cringe. I'm so sorry, but I'll get better. Practice makes perfect right?)

"You shanks shut up! At least she lasted longer than more than half of you slintheads did!" Minho yelled, immediately turning to me after.

"Hey, Y/N, Y/N," he crooned, gently lifting my face to meet his eyes. "It's ok, alright? I'll take you to your room and then go get some painkillers for tonight and the morning." I nodded and followed him to the Homestead.

He sat me down on my bed and left, returning soon after. He gave me a pill and I swallowed it, downing it with water.

"God, Y/N. You should have known better than to fight Gally, slinthead." Minho said, shaking his head like a disapproving father.

"Oh, please, Minho, I'm fine. Hardly injured and I'm only woozy cuz I had too much to drink, that's all."

"Not an excuse, baby. You're just lucky you're drunk, or I would've murdered you," he quickly leaned in and pressed a small kiss to my eyes, and then my forehead.

"Oh, calm down, Minho. I'm not dying, am I?" He didn't reply, instead looking at me with slight exasperation in his eyes.

"I was trynna make a point, Y/N. Now you ruined my really cool lecture where at the end you'd go 'Oh my god Minho! You're so right! I am a dumb shuckface sometimes!'" He whined, plastering a fake look of anger and annoyance on his face. I let out a laugh, laying my head down on my pillow and tucking myself under the blankets.

"Ugh, fine. Minho, you really are right. I shouldn't have done that. I'll make sure I always listen to you from here on out!" I said in a petty voice, and in response Minho smiled smugly down at me.

"Good, Y/N. Now get some sleep." He pressed another small kiss to my forehead, and then tucked me in, leaving the room.

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