Why me? ~ Newt (Part3)

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You were now sitting at the campfire next to Newt. All your questions had been answered (except from the ones about the maze) and you felt the happiest you could ever remember. But, that wasn't too long. You had been accepted by everyone in the Glade and that made you feel really happy.

There was still this nagging question in the back of your mind but you decided to ignore it.

Gally had just fought Winston in the ring (again) and had won (again). Jeff and Clint were helping all of the drunk gladers not fall into the fire. All the runners, including Minho who you had been introduced to earlier, were chatting quietly among themselves.

This place made you happy but the question didn't.

Frypan came round to talk to you and offer you some of his stew. You ate it gladly happy that it didn't taste horrible.

The question still haunted you...


Over the course of the next year you spent in the Glade you and Newt had become closer and closer. So close, in fact that you became the best couple in the Glade (including the only couple but no-one mentioned that).

When Thomas arrived and helped you all escape you stuck next to each other like glue.

When you escaped to the scorch you stuck next to each other like glue.

When you found group B you stuck next to each other like glue.

When you went into Denver you stuck to each other like glue.

When Newt died, the glue dried.

The one question in your head that had been nagging you from the beginning arose.

Why me?

That took an unexpected dark turn.


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