Lose You~Newt (pt 1)

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of bombs, rifles, bullets, violence, etc

A/N: I've been so out of it, but I'm back! (for now anyways). This story is going to be based of off the movie.

I watched as the group of them sprinted away, leaving me and the building behind. Within seconds, sand buggies were out to get them, but the flashlights couldn't seem to find them. I continued staring at the dune they'd ran over, watching as the wind covered their tracks with more sand.

One Week Later

I'd been broken out by the Right Arm, along with a couple of people from Group B. Sonya and Harriet were the ones I'd stuck by, and we were on a scouting mission at the moment. Some of our eyes further down the mountain had spotted multiple cars, and the three of us along with Miyoko were the closest to the road they'd been on. I get to a vantage point and be ready to throw out smoke bombs at a moments notice. I quickly assembled a bomb which looked more like a little sack than something harmful.

The shots fired off by Sonya and Harriet were enough to put a stop to the jeeps, and when even more bullets peppered the cars' surface the people inside quickly got out. They scrambled to hide behind the cars, not sure where the bullets were coming from, only able to acknowledge the general direction.

Within a couple seconds, the three of us had quickly made our way down, not giving the group enough time to come up with a plan to retaliate. I fell back, letting Sonya and Harriet do the talking. Eventually, the group came out from behind the cars. Sonya and Harriet immediately recognized a boy, pulling down their masks and pulling each other into a hug. I studied the rest of the people, realizing they were people I knew. Thomas. Minho. A girl our age and someone who looked to be her father. The boy Sonya and Harriet were hugging was Aris, someone who I had all but forgotten about. And finally, there was Newt. Newt.

Before I knew what I was doing, I rushed into his arms, throwing him off balance. He was a little confused, more intent on pushing me away from him than trying to recognize me. I looked up at him, and recognition slowly registered on his face.

"Y/N?" He whispered, almost as if a simple breath would blow me away as a figment of his imagination.

My eyes welled up as I nodded, burying my face in his chest again.

"I..I thought WICKED.." He hugged back, crushing me as he struggled to find what to say. I let out a dry laugh, sniffling after.

"Y/N?" Another voice called. I looked to see Minho and Thomas staring at me, and I smiled and waved.

"Hi," I said, stepping forward to pull them into hugs. "It's been so long since I've seen you, god," I laughed, my feelings at an all time high.

"Actually, we saw you a couple weeks ago, it wasn't that long," Minho replied, smirking.

"I'm trying to be nice here, but you're making it a little hard," I bit back, giving a light punch to his shoulder.

"It's good to see you too," Thomas smiled, looking borderline ecstatic. Teresa simply waved from behind Thomas, and I decided to talk to her later. For now, all that really mattered was getting back to Newt, and spending as much time as humanly possible with him.

A/N: super short chapter. by that i mean hardly 600 words, but that's not the point. anyways i failed my science test today which kinda sucks cause i already have a horrible grade in that class, so it's literally going to demolish me. anyways that's all, the second part should be up within the next year, but no guarantees.


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