78) realignment

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Sansa doesn't usually eat bagels, but since there aren't many other options for a late lunch around here, he figures he'll have to settle for one.

He holds the toasted bagel in his gloved hand and eyes the ham and cheese melting between the slices. He doesn't eat this sort of stuff often, mostly because he has a lot of allergies that are annoying to keep checking for, so really he should consider this a treat of some sort.

Even if it doesn't taste very good to him.

As Sansa walks through the bustling streets, he's acutely aware of the large holster sitting on his left thigh. Strapped securely inside it is his gun—one that's specially made for his body. Because he has more agility and a higher sense of awareness than most other officers (and also because he has sharp claws that may get caught in the trigger), he has to have weapons that are suited specifically to him.

This way, there are no accidents.

It's a good deterrent, too. No one walking near him can miss the gun since it's so big. No one usually does any crime in front of him because of this either.

All things considering, Sansa has it pretty well.

He finds that the people in this prefecture have no clue who he is—and why should they? He doesn't usually travel, and he's not a big name by any means. But the civilians (or more specifically, criminals) back in Shizuoka certainly know who Sansa is. In fact, they make a point to avoid Sansa entirely whenever they're around him.

Why? Because Sansa has a sort of sixth sense for trouble. Call it a quirk, call it skill, or call it luck, whatever. Sansa is just good at his job.

So when the tip of his tail twitches out of the blue once, twice, Sansa knows he should pay attention. He throws the wrapper of his bagel in a nearby trash can and scans around. He predicts the crime just before it happens; about five yards in front of him on the sidewalk, a woman is walking by clutching a purse to her chest.

That doesn't stop the person beside her from slamming into her and yanking it away, though.

It's such a bold, pitiful crime that Sansa is almost sympathetic. The only criminals brave enough to snatch a bag in broad daylight are always either stupid or really, really desperate. Sometimes it's a combination of both.

Either way, Sansa can handle this just fine. Seeing as there are no heroes or on duty officers around to help, he has a responsibility to step in here. Being who he is, Sansa has no trouble catching up with the runaway thief.

He's quicker than most people, even those who have minor enhancements. This is partially due to his bone structure and partially due to his extensive training.

So, he nearly misses it when the woman spins around with a gasp and stretches out her hand, fingers twitching in the direction of where the thief is running. She yanks her hand back to her chest just as quickly, however, almost as if being burned.

Sansa shoots past her and catches up to the thief, who doesn't seem to be using a quirk of any kind—which makes this easier. Sansa has him on the floor in seconds, already wrapping him up in quirk suppressing capture wire. The man doesn't even have time to fully comprehend what the hell happened before he's completely subdued.

The purse is thrown off to the side, and Sansa grabs it before anyone else can get any bright ideas. In busy streets like this one, anything can happen.

Working off muscle memory by now, Sansa calls in the crime on his phone and waits for a nearby officer or hero to arrive. Hopefully they'll get here soon, as he really doesn't want to waste his time on something as trivial as this for longer than necessary.

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