"You good?-" he asked as he raised a brow, glancing at the male who was limp in his bed. Killua only groaned in response before sitting up.

Gon paused before walking over to Killua's bed and sitting next to him. "You've been acting weird these past few days." He gently pressed a hand against Killua's forehead, checking to see if he had a fever or something.

Killua pushed Gon's hand off him instantly, feeling his face flush red from such simple contact. I'm going insane. Killua thought to himself as he glanced away from Gon.

Gon seemed to notice Killua avoiding eye contact. He grinned before leaning in, having the sudden urge to mess with Killua.

His breath was right up against Killua's ear, voice soft and teasing. "Hey."

Killua immediately tensed up, scooting back as far as he could as he felt his face flush and heat up. "What the hell!-" he exclaimed as he glared at Gon.

"What? All I did was say hey," Gon hummed as a smirk grew on his face. He crawled over to Killua, not letting the male escape him.

Killua gulped as he stared into Gon's eyes, that dumb smirk on his face as he got closer. Not wanting Gon to get closer, Killua decided to sit up and get off the bed.

Gon chuckled softly as he watched Killua cross his arms and pout like a child. "Alright, alright. I'll stop with the teasing," he replied while sitting up. Killua scoffed in response.

"Okay, but seriously. You've really been acting off. What do you keep trying to say?" Gon asked, concern strong in his voice as he raised a brow. Killua paused as he felt himself start to blush.

Should I say it? Do I really want to??? Killua thought to himself as he stared hard at the floor, zoning out as he got lost in his thoughts.

While Killua seemed distracted in another world, Gon stood up and walked over to him, placing an arm right next to his head and practically leaning against him.

When Killua finally snapped back into reality, he felt his face grow incredibly hot.

Gon grinned as he watched the blush grow on Killua's face. "What'cha hiding from me?" He whispered softly, breath once again pressed against Killua's ear.

shitshitshitshitshit. Killua thought while biting against his lower lip, his thoughts arguing with one another as he tried to process what was happening.

Gon only seemed to grow more amused by the flustered reactions. He leaned closer as his grin grew into a smirk. "B-back up you idiot!" Killua exclaimed as he pressed his hands against Gon's chest in an attempt to push him away.

The older male didn't budge a single inch, a soft chuckle slipping from his lips. "Not until you tell me what's going on," Gon chimed. He kept Killua pinned beneath him, still leaned against the side of his face.

Killua tilted his head slightly, the heat against his face growing uncomfortably hot. He knew he would have to confess sooner. The longer he was pinned down the more it felt like he was going to collapse any second.

Killua forced himself to say it, almost shouting it.

"I like you!"



Killua slowly opened his eyes, turning his gaze towards Gon with a nervous expression.

Gon was staring down intensely at Killua. The smirk had left his face, though he still seemed amused.

Killua felt like he was going to melt under Gon's intense gaze. Why isn't he saying anything?? And what the fuck is with that expression??!?!? Killua thought as he felt himself start to panick.

Gon eventually started to grin again, leaning even closer to Killua and pressing a hand against his waist. "Hm, finally."

Killua paused. "What the fuck does that mean you bastard??!!?!" He exclaimed. Gon chuckled softly. "I already knew that."


Killua seriously wanted to slap the bitch.

Gon grinned before teasingly pressing a kiss against the tip of Killua's ear. "Why else would I find teasing you so amusing? You're so cute when you're flustered," Gon hummed.

He leaned even closer to Killua, causing the boy to grow incredibly red. "Stop that." Killua glared at Gon, trying to keep himself from going insane. Gon was getting way too close.

Gon smirked. "I don't think I want to," he whispered teasingly, lips brushing against his ear. Killua felt an intense shudder run down his spine. "Gon, I swear to fucking god. I will literally fucking faint."

Killua clutched tightly against Gon's shirt, knees on the verge of bucking. Gon only seemed to find this even more amusing. "Hah, you're so cute," Gon hummed simply in reply, backing up by a single inch. That wouldn't matter for long.

"Anyways, Killua.."

Gon leaned closer to Killua oncemore, looking into his eyes as he slowly reached out to grasped Killua's chin. Their lips were mere inches apart, ghosting each other as their breaths mixed.

Killua felt his eyes widen as his face grew more color. Gon was slowly inching closer, eyes glued to his lips. Killua felt his heart skip a beat, his chest flutter intensely. He was literally on the verge of death.

The moment their lips connected, Killua had to grip tightly against Gon's shoulders to keep himself from falling to the floor. Gon noticed this and wrapped his arms around Killua's waist, supporting him up as they continued to kiss.

Killua felt dizzy. His mind went fuzzy. Ohmyfuckinggodimgoingtodie.

As the kiss broke, Gon couldn't help but chuckle. He looked down at the flustered male, who immediately looked away as he grew embarrassed.

"Asshole," Killua muttered as he glared at Gon. Gon only chuckled. "You know you love me."

Word Count~ 1,356

Ik this is pretty short and idek if its good or not but like hey i actually did some damn writing so ig thats a plus--

~♡Gonkillu Oneshots♡~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें