The new kid

473 9 3

*Double Update*

We Open to see (Y/n) at his original Age Standing at a stage and Singing as he slowly becomes older.

Hiroi aoi kono basho de
Tokiga nagarete yuku
My precious time

After the song said "My precious Time",We are given a Title Card showing the Fic's name of "Big".

Itsu no manika kiete shimatte kakegaeno koega
Tsumaranai hibimo sorega sukide ikitetanda

We transition to (Y/n) and his older Classmates Looking bored In class as well as Relaxing in their Dorm with Our Toddler Teen Smiling At the 4th Wall before Becoming Confused.

At tetanda,His Face suddenly split showing One half being Normal and the other Being Covered By darkness.

Higa sashiteru tokomade omoikkiri hashitte
Shinjirarenai koto bakari menomaeni okiru

It transition to show (Y/n) Hanging out with All of his Classmates and Doing all Child Like things with his teachers Groaning at them.


Taiyou no hou wo miagete tachiagaruno tsurakete
Susume koto dake omouto

A Small Figure is Seen but no one Could Tell who it is as Everyone tried to Reach out for them and As it Rapidly changed from person to Person,Once it Reached Our Toddler Teen....


Setsunai tabiwo tsuzukeru kawatta me no okuniwa

Issei was in His Balance Breaker Battling Vali as Bikou tried to Attack him from Behind but Koneko did him a Favor and stopped the Attack as Her Eyes Darkened with A Smirk.

She Grabbed him and Sent her Own attack.

Natsukashii itoshisa wo motomete (On my way)

It Changed to Izuku and Akko Having A good time Before Showing Battling Someone with Izuku Bleeding out.

Kizutsuke attanowa nikui wake janai nosa

It Rapidly Showed Allies And Enemies Before it Changes To (Y/n) On The Ground in His Original Body With Somebody Reaching Their Hand out to him as he looks up and sees Yagyu.

Bokuno subete wo Giseini torimodosunda Bokura no my precious time

He smiles and Grabs her hand as He Becomes our Toddler teen,We all know and love as The song ends with The Entire School Standing and Smiling at The Fourth wall.

It's been what felt like 3 hours since They Left the house of our Dear Mc and During that time,he learned their Names As of what's happening now...We see them Arriving at The school with Our 4yr old Turned 17 Looking out The Window.

(Y/n):Wow!Is that-

Ozpin:Yes....It is,Kurosu World High Academy.

Pans to the Outside to show What Looked Like a Billion Students but Not all for hero course,Some are just talking outside.

BIG(Crossover X Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now