Chapter 46 - Got caught

Start from the beginning

'why is Abhinay girlfriend roaming with Rathore, Is she someone special '

Maira was upset with Dhruv , how could he think about her like that. She knows he is not her Dhruv....this was not his thoughts.  His dhruv  always trusted dhrisha. 

She knows too that Dhrisha will never betray him. 

She went to meet Kavya in a cafe.

Dhruv drove his bike and went inside the club.  He sat and asked the bartender for a coke.

The bartender was surprised but gave him his order. 

He drank one sip and  started remembering the things.


"Hello" He said.

"Dhruv"  he immediately recognized the voice.

"Boss" he whispered.

"Where are you?" He asked.

Dhruv sighed and answered.
"I am in club"

"What are you doing in club in evening? " He questioned.

"it's my choice and I don't need to share anything with you " He said, rudely.

Avyaan raised a eyebrow , he never talks rudely to him then why now?

"Did you fought with your so called... friend, girlfriend? "  He asked.

Dhruv dryly chuckled , "Girlfriend?  I made her angry! "

Avyaan dismissed Viraj and sighed.
"Did you said anything stupid? "

"What will you do, if you got to know from many years you trusted the closet one but at last he was the traitor? "

"What are you saying? " he asked.

" Sorry for what I am going to ask.......but if anyone Told Nasty rumours about your mom what you do? " Dhruv asked.

Avyaan sighed softly and said coldly.
"It won't take a minute for me to put bullets in his head or I will give him.... a slow but painful death. "

Dhruv shivered at his tone, and sighed heavily.

"I am having thoughts that maybe my mom cheated my dad" Dhruv said.

"How could you say that? " he asked.

"Because she was contacting a man,  who was a best friend of her. " He said.


"Maybe dad-

"Do you trust your mom? " he asked.

Dhruv was silent.
"Did you ever felt that she could cheat him? "

Dhruv thought about it again.

"Then trust her,  if she wanted to cheat she would have done it before" He said sternly.

"But Boss, -"

"Trust her, and one more thing if you want to sort out things with......Maira, then don't forget to apologize " Avyaan said as Viraj came with a file.


"I am busy  now! " He said and hanged up.

Dhruv was not surprised that  Avyaan hung off,  but, is it good? that he is doubting his mom, Avyaan was right trust her........ He have to hear the recording again.

He played the recording after some years.

'It's our first anniversary after our marriage. I have planned everything,I just have to wait for him. You know I am so excited to make this day speci-

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