~New Prologue~

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Everything is the same as it was in the books except I will change things about Hera's powers from my earlier chapter. In the next chapter it will explain her powers in more understanding as well as the differences as I learned more about and decided to flesh out her character and powers some more. This story will start the moment Percy and Sally are going to Monatauk.
Percy POV
As I'm sitting next to mum she smiles at me before saying nervously
"Percy, I have something to tell you."
"What is it mom ?"
"Well you see dear, you were not born from a male, you were born from me and another woman."

"B-but how is that possible mom"
"Percy, do you believe that the Greek gods were real."
"Why are you asking that mom?"
"Percy please answer the question, it's important."
"Mom is my other parent a greek god, please tell me."

"Yes Percy your divine parent is a goddess. She was married and didn't have any demigods, but she fell in love with me and I loved her right back. She was everything to me Percy and when she was no longer able to talk to me, it was the moment I realized that she will always hold a special place in my heart."

"What did she look like ?" Tears were now streaming down my face as I realized that this was the first time my mom told me anything about my estranged parent.

"She looked just like you. Dark brown hair and beautiful purple eyes with a vicious tongue. You have her sarcasm and soft pale skin. With a smile that light up a room, she was the best person there ever was and I loved her."

"Why did she leave ?"
"She had duties Percy and she couldn't just leave them like a lot of the other deities do, please understand she loved you and still does."

"I understand mom and I'm starting to understand why you live get so much, she sounds like an amazing woman."
"She was, Percy she was."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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