"You shall be strong. You just need to fake it till you make it." he says. "I'm tired already," I say and he chuckles. "I'm also scared that he might found out that I'm not on his side and hurt Sino." "I know the parental fear is talking now and don't be. You need to play your cards safe and everything will be okay. He would be making a mistake if he tries to hurt Sino." I nod. "I know I just can't help it. This is risky."

"Trust me you can do it. You were able to seduce Sthembiso so what's stopping you from succeeding this one and you lucky that you don't have to sleep with him." he says and i chuckle. "With Sthembiso I caught feelings that I wasn't supposed to." I say. "But here you lucky you don't need to date him." "Over my dead body." He chuckles.

"There it is. Focus wena and don't raise any suspicions." he says and i nod. "You right." I say. "I'm always right." "Don't be delusional." He laughs. "After giving you a nice pep talk you call me delusional." "If the shoe fits wear it Cinderella." "Uyadika shem." I chuckle. (You annoy me.) "So I've been told."

I get back to work and i go back to my office. I get inside and continue with my load of work I have missed out on. I won't be able to finish it today I'll probably be done by the end of the week so I text Sthembiso asking him to fetch Sino for the rest of the week after school and he will drop her off at my place.


I get back home and release a sigh of relief. I desperately need the shower. I don't go to the gym in three weeks and when I catch up my body feels like it's on fire. I leave the takeaways on top of the kitchen counter and walk upstairs to my bedroom and i go inside the bathroom and pour myself a glass of wine that stays in the cabinet. I pour water in the tub and add bath salts and bubble bath.

I strip off my clothes and get inside the water and sigh when it makes contact with my skin. Hai shem working out isn't for the weak or its because Sthembiso's sessions are always hectic. I low-key missed working out with him even though I will never admit it out loud to him or to anyone for that matter of fact...the same way you won't admit that you lov...shut it.

My mind keeps going back to this war thing. Now that the was has been declared it has gotten a little serious and i need to start taking things serious. If I knew Melokuhle's game plan then I would know what I'm working with and decide if whether I should be calm or panic but now I don't know anything and it's nerve wrecking.

Having him following us around and him lying to me that he is only attacking two families is a bit too much for me. Why is he using me if he is after my family? Revenge too? I can never be too sure. Maybe he knows I helped Sthembiso or I was with Sthembiso that day he went and assassinated Siyanda and that's why he thinks he can use me and get away with it.

I finish bathing and i drain the tub and clean it. I wrap a towel around my body and walk to the closet. I take out winter pjamas and wear them then take my phone and go downstairs to the kitchen. "Hi mamá." greets Sino. "Hi princess." I say and pick her up and kiss her forehead, cheek, nose and mouth and she repeats the action.

I missed seeing her everyday and getting to kiss her anytime. "Unjani ma?" I ask while sitting down and placing her on my lap. "Ngiyaphila wena." answers Mam Miriam. "Nami ngiyaphila." She takes out the plates and she plates up for us and we thank her and walk to the living room to eat.

We sit down and start eating. "How was Colombia?" asks mam Miriam. "It was nice. I missed being there and getting to spend time with my family." I answer. "Are they as wild as you?" "If not worse." She laughs. "I can imagine." "But we all get my grandmother's vibe and energy. When you around her you can never be sane." We laugh.

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