Spark of hope

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The wait for the weekend was long and agonizing for Kinn. It felt like torture to work when all he could think about was how perfect everything was going to be soon. Him and Porsche had been through hell together, and Porsche especially has been through more pain than anyone else for so long all alone. It was time for him to be happy, and Kinn couldn't wait to do that for him. He would often let his mind wander to the near future, waking up to Porsche in his arms everyday, falling asleep to Porsche in his arms everyday. He'd get him all sorts of gifts and surprise him with beautiful dates. He'd spoil him with all kinds of worldly, expensive things and then he would make love to him every day. He'd take care of him when he would be carrying his child, and then he would put his life on line to protect his little family. Gosh, he couldn't wait to see how adorable his mate would look with the cute little baby bump.

Somehow, after a long and torturous wait, the weekend finally came.

Kinn had already made sure to tell Vegas and Pete to attend the party. He told them that Porsche wanted to hand over the the minor family to Vegas and that he didn't do so before because of the enemies that had infiltrated the family. He didn't get any particular response aside from a cold "hmph" from his cousin but he hoped they would show up. Their happiness depended on it.

Convincing his dad had been...surprisingly easy. He went prepared with a speech and yet all his father needed to hear was the mention of a baby to say yes to everything. Apparently Korn wanted to have grandkids so bad that he was ready to say yes to anything Kinn asked from him.

The thing was, with Gun being dead, it wasn't a difficult task to be on good terms with Vegas, because he himself had been a victim, and Kinn and Korn both knew that.

Kinn made sure to dress up nicely. He couldn't stop smiling at all. He looked like an idiot in love, but he didn't care. He didn't even care when Tanakhun and Chay teased him and told him he had fallen too far in love. Because he had.

When they all arrived at the minor family mansion, nothing could have prepared Kinn for what he saw. Porsche looked breathtakingly gorgeous. And no, it wasn't the designer navy blue suit he was wearing, sure it helped and Porsche had always been a handsome man but that wasn't what made him so gorgeous at that moment. 

Porsche was glowing, like actually glowing. His skin looked healthy and it had gained the fierce tan color back again. The dark bags were gone and he looked like he had gained back his healthy weight. It looked like Porsche was finally taking care of himself yet somehow, he looked so much different and so much more brighter even than when he had met him for the first time. The spark, that Phoenix fire spirit thay defined him shined radiantly from inside him and there was a big smile that covered his face. Kinn held his breath at the sight of his gorgeous lover, and then let it go the very next moment. He could feel his heart pounding against his chest.

Life couldn't get any more better as Kinn, Porsche and the rest of the family laughed and talked together, with Porsche standing snuggled up to Kinn. Kinn noticed, that somehow, his mate had been too clingy to him the whole time, not letting go for even once. Not even when Tankhun, Chay and the others had hugged the life out of him. It wasn't like Kinn was complaining, he would give anything to never let go of Porsche ever again in his life. Their perfect life was just within arm's reach now.

For a while they were left alone when everyone went on to themselves, and Porsche shifted to face Kinn with a big smile on his face.

"I have to tell you somethi-"

"Porsche." They were interrupted by a familiar noise shouting out Porsche's name. He turned around to find a gun aimed to his forehead and the person behind the trigger was none other than his best friend.

Kinn & Porsche: When you forget everything that hurts, please come to meWhere stories live. Discover now