Hope and Dreams

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Being the head of the minor family wasn't easy. Porsche was an omega, but that didn't make him any less dangerous. Everyone knew that. In the past few months, he hadn't only taken over as the head effortlessly, but he had also managed to gain a reputation, a rather vicious and powerful one. He was ferocious and wild when it came to protecting himself and his people, he was strong and always stood up no matter the difficulties he faced, just like 'his mother's phoenix'. There were many that came and doubted an omega's leadership, mocking him, laughing on him and Porsche would just sit in front of them, patiently listening to their rant with a silent and deadly smile on his face. The next day, they would be found dead in the comforts of their own home. Soon enough, everyone knew better than to voice their trashy opinions about the old Alpha/Omega/Beta dynamics. It was a thing of the past, and people didn't discriminate based on it anymore. Omegas were just as capable as Alphas and Betas, and people should have known this without Porsche enlightening them, but not everyone was lucky enough.

Kinn had been scared for his lover in the beginning, he knew people would talk, would say things about an Omega being made the leader, but soon enough he knew he didn't need to protect Porsche from anyone or anything. His mate was tough, capable and strong enough to protect himself and his entire family. He was a fighter, and Kinn had never been prouder. Porsche had made alot of enemies in just a matter of months, and with Kinn and Porsche and the major and the minor families now working together, the Theerapanyakuls were unstoppable.

Kinn loved Porsche, more than anything else in the world. After being betrayed in love once before, he never thought that he could find it in himself to love and trust someone again. But Porsche was there and he realized that maybe this was what love actually was. Porsche painted a whole new meaning of love for him, a love that was pure and selfless, and far away from worldly greed and fraud.

Despite being an Omega, his mate had always been independent and free, and that was his beauty. Kinn wasn't discriminating on the gender basis, but that was just how things had been since old times. Omegas were mostly soft and submissive, the ones that needed to be taken care of, while the Alphas and Betas were mostly seen as the powerful, dominant ones. But Porsche was different. He was like a bird who couldn't be tamed. He had a fire within his soul, one that couldn't be put out no matter what. But then he was suddenly and forcibly thrusted into a world full of violence and danger, and he accepted it all with a smile on his face, all for his love for Kinn, and that's something Kinn knew he would struggle to live with for the rest of his life.

Porsche was changing, and not in a good way. He had painted this image of himself, as a merciless mafia leader and Kinn felt that somewhere in all this chaos, he was in one way or another, losing his mate. But again where the world saw a ruthless man, Kinn was the only one who got to see the real Porsche when they were together. The humane and selfless man who would do anything to protect his loved ones, who would do anything to see them smile. Kinn wished Porsche knew how beautiful his own smile was, how his smile could light up the entire world just like it did with Kinn's. He wished Porsche would sometimes, just sometimes think about himself and take care of his own needs too.

That was the one thing his lover lacked in, and Kinn was more than happy to provide that for him, if only Porsche allowed him to.

The world's day started by looking at the rising sun, and Kinn's was no different. His day started by looking at his sun. His Porsche. Kinn woke up to the most heavenly scene in front of his eyes and he couldn't help but just stare fondly. There was Porsche who lay on top of him, sleeping soundly and wrapped up tightly in his arms. His head was lying on Kinn's naked chest and his face was squished up against the pale skin. He had one of his arms wrapped around Kinn's abdomen while the other one sat idly on his skin.

A gentle smile appeared on Kinn's face as he inhaled deeply in pleasure. Porsche looked so small and adorable cuddled up to him like that, his unkempt hair falling over his feline eyes, his long and dark eyelashes resting against his smooth skin and his soft, parted lips showing just a phantom of his white pearls behind.

Kinn & Porsche: When you forget everything that hurts, please come to meWhere stories live. Discover now