When I got to Riley, after being introduced to everyone, she pulled me in for a hug.

"Glad you're here!" she said, "It's time for us to suck at bowling."

Riley had her brown hair in a low bun, and she wore a muted red t-shirt and khaki shorts, along with a sliver chain around her neck. She looked more masculine- and I was into that look.

"I need to get some bowling shoes. And a drink." I said, as a waitress came up to our table.

"Want me to order you a drink so you can go put on these ugly shoes?" Riley asked me.

"Yes, please. Something fruity." I said.

"On it." Riley said.

I went to the booth that had bowling shoes and put them on, and when I got back, I stood at the table next to Riley.

"I ordered you this drink." Riley said, pointing at a drink on the menu that had peach bourbon, lemonade, and a splash of club soda along with some peach purée, "I remembered that you got a peach mule at happy hour so I figured you may like this."

"Perfect choice." I said to Riley, "I love anything peach. Thank you, I appreciate it."

"Glad I got it right." Riley said to me, with a smile.

Riley was right. She was not good at bowling. And she had everyone laughing with how many times she got the ball in the gutter, and how happy she was when she knocked down two pins.

I was almost as bad.

When I got back to the table from two balls in the gutter, Jackson, Tim's friend, said to me, "Let me guess, you bowled only with bumpers growing up?"

He said it in a joking tone, to let me know it was all in good fun.

"What gave that away?" I laughed.

"Your impeccable bowling skills." Jackson said sarcastically, "I could learn a thing or two from you."

"No, I could learn a thing or two from you. You've been killing it all night."

Tim then cut in and said, "Jackson was on a bowling team in college."

"Giving away all of my embarrassing secrets, huh?" Jackson laughed.

When I got back to the table, I took a sip of my second peach lemonade of the night.

"Does anyone want to go play some arcade games?" Marie asked.

"I'll go with you." I said.

"You know what, I'll go as well." Riley said.

"We will also." Danielle said, about her and Janelle.

The six of us went down to the arcade area, and we stood around as Nathan tried to win Marie a stuffed animal from the claw machine.

"I didn't know that Lauren's two friends are actually a couple." Marie said, "They're cute together."

"I didn't know that either, until now." I said.

"They look good together." Danielle said, "Damn, sometimes I wish I was into women. Janelle, we would make a hot couple."

Danielle put her arm around her friend who said, "We sure would."

"Are you into women?" Marie asked Janelle.

"I'm pansexual." she said, "I like who I like."

"I've never dated a girl." Marie said, "Nathan is the only person I've ever dated. Riley, I know that you are gay. Jenny, have you ever dated a woman?"

I felt my heart start to pound at the question.

Though I am bisexual, it's not something I talk about openly.

And I didn't want my co-workers to know. Not all of them, at least.

"No." I said, "I haven't."


I saw Riley's eyes flicker toward me, and then look away.

At that moment, Nathan won a small pink teddy bear for Marie, who was thrilled.

For the rest of the time, I kept thinking about how I lied about saying I never dated a woman. And now Riley probably thought I was straight. Well, she probably has always thought I was straight, but now this would really confirm it for her.

And I don't want that. I want her to know that I am attracted to women.

Should I tell her?

As the night started to die down, and the alcohol started to wear off, we started to head out.

"Hey." Jackson said to me, "It was nice to meet you."

He smiled at me, his light blue eyes on me.

He is quite good looking.

"It was nice to meet you as well." I said to him.

We all walked out as a big group, and Riley fell into step next to me, "Where did you park?" she asked me.

"I had to park all the way at the end of the lot." I said, "It was packed."

"I'll walk with you." Riley said, "I had to park further down as well."

As we walked I said, "Tonight was a good time. I'd come here again."

"I'd come here just for the music they play alone. Better than most clubs and bars I've been to." Riley said.

"Agreed. And I'd come back for the peach lemonade. Once again, great choice in ordering that for me." I said.

"I'm pleased to have done so well." Riley laughed- and we then walked past her car.

I guess she is walking me to my car.

When Riley and I got to my car, I stood in front of the drivers side door and said, "Hopefully I'll see you out of work more often. This was nice."

"I'll make sure that happens." Riley said, her brown eyes on me, "I had fun too. You're good to drive home? I know you were enjoying those lemonades."

"I'm fine." I said, "Thank you, though. You're fine, I assume?"

"I'm all good." Riley said, "Get home safe and have a good night, Jenny."

She then turned to walk away- and I felt the words come off the tip of my tongue that were there the whole night.

"I lied when I said I've never dated a woman."

Riley turned back around, "So you have dated a woman?"

"Women. Multiple." I said, feeling flustered, "I've dated multiple women."

Riley took a step closer to me, "Why did you lie and say you haven't?"

"Because I don't want anyone to know." I said, "Well, I guess besides you. I kind of keep it on the down low that I'm...well, bisexual."

Riley nodded and looked at me, "Your secret is safe with me. Promise."

"Thank you." I said to Riley, my heart pounding.

"And on that note, get home safe." Riley said.

"Thanks." I said, "You too."

Riley looked at me for a split second longer- almost like she wanted to say something else- but then she turned and walked away.

When I got in my car, I sat there for a moment before leaving.

I know that crush I once had on Riley is emerging. And I may not be able to stop it.

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