Sternritter Z

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Let's get some shit straight here. Giselle is sternritter Z the zombie. He can use his blood to make people into her obedient zombies and seems kinda immortal.

Yet a friend brought something up to me.

The backlash.

I have seen so much shit, people bitching about the only trans representation being such a deviant. I'm gonna stop you right there.

Since when was he Trans representation? He never has been. Giselle, is a man.

And has been biologically male since birth. Which was confirmed by kubo himself. If you cannot accept that, take a deep long look at yourself, and realise where your life went wrong for you to be this delusional.

Giselle is a man. Not only confirmed by yumichika saying he smelt of semen despite giselle having no interest in sex like candice, but also confirmed by tite kubo himself.

Imma be honest, i don't care about pronouns. I find the staggering amount of sexualities absolutely mind boggling. I am a simple man.

I just call shit how i see it. And this shit is stupid.

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