rooster teeth went down hill

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Rwby. From the start it was a great show.

Season 4 was iffy. But season 5 onwards is a fucking nosedive.

To Start, lets talk about antagonists.

Cinder. Cinder wasn't a bad antagonist per say. At least in the first 3 volumes. But issue is, she's not the overarching villain. She doesn't need to keep coming back.

I'm fine with a single fake-out death. There will always be at least one of those. But the issue with Cinder is that she's a fucking cockroach. She just kept coming back and coming back and coming back.

The second death should've been it. Hell, could've even killed her off in the first death.

Then, we come to one of my favourite characters, Neo.

Season 4, Neo pissed me off. It was entirely cinders fault that Roman died. Yes, he was fighting Ruby when he died, but he never would've been in that scenario if not for Cinder.

I was happy when she tried to kill Cinder. But then, suddenly, after a chat with Cinder, it all shifts to Ruby.

Makes no sense.

Then, we move onto Hazel. Despite his 2d character, I can understand. When one loses someone close to them, they act irrationally and cannot accept the truth.

Then, Adam Taurus. He had alot of potential. Then, he became a creepy ex who couldn't accept that Blake had moved on.

Straight up character Assassination. The man just became a mass murderer. There was no development or conclusion to start that.

He just... did.

Now, let's talk about Watts and tyrian. We know, absolutely, fuck all about Watts. He was just a petty bitch who couldn't accept that his project wasn't chosen over penny.

Tyrian... he's just insane. That's it. There's nothing else. He's just fucking insane.

And then, there's Salem. The fucking queen of stupidity. So, she believes if all the relics are gathered, she can finally die.

That is the height of stupidity.

Why would they kill her? At the end of the day, they gave her the immortality that she so hates, what possible reason could she give them that would make them kill her? None.

She was given it, for daring to trick the gods. They would just say she never learnt her lesson and leave her the only living person on Remnant.

Not to mention, this didn't need to happen.

She could've lived happily with Ozma and her children. But no, just had to be ambitious, just wanted to rule the world. Despite the fact, that very ambition is the reason she's immortal.

And not to mention, ah yes, Ozma is trying to take my children away? Let's fight him right next to them, knowing full well that her magic is incredibly destructive and she lacks precision.

And now her kids are dead.

Woo! Definitely not her fault.

Now, Ozma does bare some fault. Not nearly as much as salem though.

And now, we move to Emerald. I left her as one of the last ones.

Why... why on fucking Remnant is she redeemed? She contributed to the death of penny which forced pietro to use more of his already deteriorating aura to rebuild her and sacrificed more of his lifespan.

She literally assisted Cinder, the woman who fucking killed Pyrrha. And yeah, let's just forgive her. She also helped steal Amber's power.

But no, we can just forgive her.

I'm not even gonna talk about the character Assassination of ironwood. Team Rwby were entirely in the wrong, season 8 was entirely their fault.

Now, onto the travesty of season 9. So, let's talk about the cat. Once again, team Rwbys fault. They lied to the one person they shouldn't have.

Granted, ah yeah, just met him. But still, you didn't exactly have a reason not to trust him.

Then, Ruby herself is suddenly traumatised of Crescent Rose which is stupid. The only good part of season 9 was jaunes new appearance and attitude.

And what do they go and do? Yep, lets just revert his appearance. That's a great idea. No, it fucking wasn't.

The semblance evolution of Neo was meh, not exactly what I would've imagined, but the fact that as soon as Ruby is "dead" she suddenly loses any fucking hope or driving force in life was stupid as shit.

Anyway, that is the travesty that is RWBY. So much potential, yet so little done with it. I honestly prefer fanfictions compared to the original.

Now, I'm done. A long rant. But those are my thoughts.

Well, see ya.

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