lets have a chat

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Two things I want to talk about today.

The first one, is power scaling.

I was reading a story the other day, a RWBY and stay night story. Essentially, Ozpin finds himself in stay night.

The story was pretty cool up until Zouken used a grimm as a summoning catalyst. Frankly, it should've summoned the God of Darkness.

Not Salem.

Then, as if on a whole nother level of bullshit, she fights gilgamesh in one on one combat, and guess what?

She fucking wins!

Now, i don't know what drugs it takes to believe that.

But even if she is immortal. There are numerous immortal killing weapons in mythology, meaning gilgamesh has them. Like Harpe of Skofnung.

So all around, it's bullshit.

In terms of destructive power, Salem is small to large building. Somewhere between those. As for speed, being generous, RWBYs limit is Mach 1. And Salem is not a fighter.

Anyway, now that shit is out of the way, onto the next topic.




The thing that upsets me, I've seen many writers do this. And they're not even that bad, they're actually kinda good in writing emotional shit.

But when you inherently alter the main characters to such a degree, a reason is required. And it needs to be a very, very good one. It can't just be, oh summer died? Time to beat my child with the might of zeus!

There needs to be more layers. Like tai becoming depressed and alcoholic which becomes child neglect and say one day, tai loses his temper while drunk. Bam, smacked the child, and now that's plausible.

Another annoying thing, the abusers always believe they deserve forgiveness, but if you've truly fucked up, reflected on it and everything, quite often you come to the conclusion that you don't deserve forgiveness. Especially when its something like abuse.

Often, they'll do their best to 'help' and only push them away.

I do understand that its very often wrote by edgy 13 year olds, but come on man. Have a little class.

Anyway, that's all for now, see ya.

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