chapter 21

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I continued laying the bed of my room for the next hour. I'm just staring at the sealing and trying to comprehend how much has happened in just one day. It started out with some dude wanting to copy my homework, then the school was being attacked, and I found out my soulmate was the attacker. Well , he technically wasn't really. Then he brings me to his kingdom, and then his kingdom is being attacked. Some lady hated me because of my past life. And a lot more. Well, at least it never gets boring? Ugh.
My fingers are tingling and heating up like when you get chili on your lips. I don't care to look at my fingers, tho. I'm probably just imagining it.

My train of thoughts was interrupted by soft knocks on one of the doors.
I stood up and sat in the bed, looking towards the fancy decorated doors. "Come in." I say.

When no one came in, i was a bit confused and stood up. Step for step. I walked towards the doors. I put my hand to the door handle, then I saw it - the tips of my fingers were black. My eyes widened as I was used to my skin being very pale.
What, the fuck- this is seriously wrong. This is not supposed to happen. What is even happening?
Damien. I need to ask Damien.
I opened the door with shaky hands. Not breaking of the stare on my fingers.

I looked left then right.
No one. Did he leave?
Was it even him? Suddenly, I sensed someone behind me, so out of reflex, I turned around and slapped the hand that was about to touch me. I took in a defense position in case the person wanted to touch me again. I looked at the person and relaxed. Letting my shoulders relax after being tensed.
"Damn, you got a lot of strength for a person the size of a 14 year old."

"Hey! What is that supposed to mean?" When he didn't answer, I looked in the direction he was looking to. Oh-

"Hey, uhm, I think something is really wrong with my hands..."

"Oh really?! " He said with wide eyes. He took my hand and inspected it closer.

I've read a lot about this symptom, but none of which I read fits the description

I looked away and let my hands fall. The tips of my fingers still feeling numb and heated.

"What? Has this happened before?"

"No - as far as I remember, no." I'm starting to think that my father had something to do with it. He put many curses upon me, so this might be one of them. Let me think.

"Ok, do you know something about this symptom? I've read a lot about it, but I don't think it matches the description of the feeling. It feels numb and heated, like when your leg or hand falls asleep and when you keep it in one place, it's a bit prickly too. So It can't be freeze curse.
Then, I don't feel a negative wave over my body or the weight of another soul on my heart. So it can't be a possessor or something like that. I haven't kept my powers in for a long period of time, and even if I'm not specialized in void magic yet. So it can't be that. I have no idea. Maybe a curse?" I talk as a walk through the room to calm my nerves.
I looked at Damien when I was done.

"A curse.." He mumbled
"Do you have experience with curses? On yourself specifically? " He asked me. I could tell he knew something.
I cleared my throat. This subject is making me feel very vulnerable.
But I feel like I can trust him, I don't think he would judge me.

"I do."

"What kind of curses?" He asked me. I know he senses my emotions.

"From a death whisperer
• curse of unending shadows
• curse of eternal restlessness
• spell of cursed reflections
• hex of haunting Echos
• clawing burn curse
• more...
Most of them are gone now, so its fine." I enumerate as I look away. I know he was taken off guard and probably expected me to say a curse or two, but no. My father really loved his wife. He wouldn't give up so easily, and let me have a peaceful life. I can't say I blame him thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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