behind the door (chapter 17)

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Before this chapter started, I wanted to apologize for the wait, I was on vacation, and I didn't have time, motivation, or ideas. So thanks to everyone who beared with me and stayed til now. Thanks for you're patience so as a thanks, here is a second chapter in one week<33. I love you guys. Enjoyyy <33

Damiens POV:

When Tyler rushed into my arms, I was so happy my heart felt like it was going to explode. I mean, i could feel his heartbeat, which made me even more excited. Before I met him, I was terrified of being with someone who isn't Almos. it's been decases. But I loved him too dearly and promised to wait for him. Now he's back...

I'm so overwhelmed with joy that he's back...
I almost cried at the thought

The feeling of having him back in my arms is priceless. I could go on and talk about how much I love every single part of him for hours, but not now. I need to concentrate on him.

"Missed me already?" I asked with a chuckle and a smile.

"Yes," he replied quickly, catching me off guard, making me want to kiss him like we used to. But I knew I couldn't. I knew he didn't remember much of me, and I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

I could hear faint footsteps, so I quickly flicked my fingers and locked his door.
I knew it was his godmother. Gods how I hated this woman so much. I know she meant a lot to Tyler, but I've seen her from a different perspective, which I knew he wouldn't like.

When she reached the room, she tried to open it just to find it locked. She tried a couple more pushes and clicks until she started calling out for Tyler
He heard this and quickly went inside again, I went into his huge walk-in closet, and he yelled out to her.

"Hold on a second, I'm changing. Just give me a moment."
I knew what I had to do. I turned around and quickly picked out stuff for him so it would go faster, and she wouldn't be suspicious. He quickly stripped his clothes and chainged into the things I picked out for him.
I made myself invisible, and he closed the door behind him and went to unlock the other door for her.

I could hear them talking.

"My lord Tyler, what took you so long? Did you take your medicine?" This woman is sick if she thinks that drugging him like this would help him. In fact, I don't think she wants him to get better. She wants him to be like a puppet. Doing whatever she says on command. I would never let him become so locked up.

I know Tyler well enough to know that he would never take the pills. He would rather flush them down the toilet.

"Uhm, sorry. It's just that I haven't had time to chainge into anything besides my pj's as I am constantly asleep. I haven't even eaten in a while, so I was about to do that. Medicine doesn't work on an empty stomach."
Tyler said. I felt so bad for him. He deserves the world. He shouldn't have to go through this.

"Alright, I'll leave you to do whatever. Just stay in your room. The medicine is strong. You don't want your head to get all messed up, so just eat and go back to bed." She said while leaving, closing the door behind herself. I could hear Tyler locking the door and then coming back to the closet to open the door for me.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?"

"It's ok, really. Hey Tyler, I know you wouldn't take the pills, but still no matter what, don't take them. I can change them out with sweets that look identical, but I don't want you to take the real once. They're no good, trust me."
I warned him as I got closer, locking him in my embrace as I stroked his hair softly.

"Dont worry, I won't. I don't like taking medicine. Especially when I don't know what's in there. I'd appreciate it if you could change them out. I have no idea how."

I didn't even waste time talking and flicked my fingers. Making a trail of magic appears and chainge them out.
I could tell Tyler was enjoying watching my magic. His eyes glittered like stars in the sky at midnight.

I pointed my index finger up, and a glittering magic appeared. This is actually really easy. It doesn't really do anything but look cool. Parents usually use it to entertain toddlers and kids.

He followed, looking at my finger. Even when i went to boop his cute nose. He blinked and blushed a bit. This boy will be the death of me, really. He's so adorable.

He once again moved closer to me and hugged me. Hiding his face in my chest like last time.
Even tho I love his touch, I'm getting a bit worried.
I started gently rubbing his back after I hugged him back.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"
I gently asked him.
He didn't answer for a while. Now I was really worried, I know how his head works, and he's probably debating on what to answer. Either the truth or a lie, so I don't worry.

I lifted up his chin, so he looked at me.
Looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Please tell me the truth."
I waited a few more seconds.

"I started remembering. And I'm not talking about the basic stuff or the special moments. I mean way back. It's stuff that I don't want to remember."
He didn't have to tell me more. I know his backstory. He has been through a lot.

I stoked his cheek with my thumb as I cupped his face with one hand, and the other was around his waist. Keeping him as close as possible.

"It's ok. Sooner or later, you'll have to remember. Even when the memories are awful, the outcome will be better. I am proud of you for continuing. I'm always here for you if you need someone to talk to or cry to. I will always have your back. I promise."
After I finished talking, I noticed our faces were closer than before. We kept this distance for a bit, and he suddenly got on his toes, connecting our lips. He moved away after a bit. He was completely red. His head was filled with thoughts, and I could tell.
"I'm sorry I-" I kissed him again, not letting him finish his apology.

"No more apologies, ok?"

He smiled softly and looked at me with sparkling eyes.

My heart was exploding with each passing second I'm close to him...

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