A "little" nose bleeding (6)

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"You're nose-...."
David was in front of him, his face full of concern.

I reached for my nose and felt a liquid leak from it. I looked at it


I looked around just to notice my shirt, bed sheets, and pillow drenched in blood.

"What the fuck-" I said in a hoarse voice.

"Did you hit your head or something? What the fuck happend ?"

" what no? I was meditating, then we fell asleep and I wake up like this."

" how long did you meditate?"
David asked as he took out some handkerchiefs. Helping me up I felt my head hurt so bad I had to close my eyes and take a really deep breath to sit right. Suddenly my lungs started to burn too, what the fuck happend to me ? My head was pounding so painfully it felt like my head might explode any second.I'd rather die then experience this headache.

I started coughing. My burning lungs didn't help at all.
My coughing sounded horrible.
I could taste blood on my tongue.
The iron taste spread on my whole tongue. This blood wasn't from my nose, that's for sure.
I took another deep breath and coughing up blood. David started to panic. I would too if I didn't suddenly feel so tired. My aching body started to shut down as blood continued to frow out of my mouth.

I blacked out.
The screams of my name slowly faded away, and I was welcomed my darkness.


So that's my life now, huh?
I expected it to be nicer, but I guess not. Why can't I be normal ?
If I can't have a normal life, why bother living. It's filled with pain anyway.
Right now, I'm floating in darkness, and I have no fucking idea where I am. It's so lonely , I've been here since God knows how long I feel like I'll go insane. It feels like days, maybe months, I lost count. No signs of life in sight beside me. Am I dead? I don't know.

" Hello dear," a soft voice spoke
I tried looking around but didn't find anything. Suddenly, a small blue light appeared in front of me.
I was shocked as it started growing.
It looked like a dream, but I know it's real as I haven't had a dream ever since I got here.

The blue light turned into a gorgeous looking woman.
Her body glowed as if she was the light herself.Her eyes are a deep blue, with a lighter blue ring that made her eyes look so interesting, but in a good way.

She is wearing a light blue, almost white dress that flows down like waterfalls. In the literal meaning of the sentence. Her dress turned into water at the bottom. The effect was mesmerizing to watch. Matching with her white wavy hair, It had the same effect of water at the end, It reached bellow her waist.
On her head is a silver tiara that went across her forehead with a beautiful diamond attached to it. By the looks of it, it probably costs more than my life.

The more I looked at her, the more detail I noticed, like the light pattern on her dress or the white corset that matched with the diamond jewelry she was wearing.around her neck arms and fingers. She really is blessed by aphrodite.

Who is she?
As if she could read my mind, she said,

"I'm delta-anahita the elemtalmaster of water and also your godmother, I'm sorry we had to meet like this again, but these days you can't anywhere without anyone eavesdropping. I'm here to talk to you about something very important..."

I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. I also don't know about what im more surprised. The fact that she is so Jung or that I finally see someone in the darkness.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait- hold on a little... -"
What do I even ask first? This is too confusing.
I mean, it's not every day you're trapped. I'm some dark void and magically your godmother appearance to ask you for help. In what storybook am I stuck in? How weird is the author to write me like that?

"Alright, I understood your confusion.
I couldn't talk to you in the moral world , so I had to put make you unconscious, but because I forgot that your spiritual power is sealed, your body slipped into another coma. My apologies for making it so painful, I had no other way. You'll regain consciousness after our talk." She apologized.

"Alright? Well, what do you want to talk about? You needed help with something?"

"These days, there have been multiple
Banshee attacks in the moral world.
A banshee is a female spirit who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening

The weird thing is that they aren't usually violent to the innocent. They usually inform people that soon one of their family members are going to die. They haven't been a problem for centuries. They can be warded off with salt as it is considered to be pure and anathema to the denizens of the spirit world. But it's not working now. No talisman has worked yet. No one was able to repel then except for the gods and the grand Master Ophelia, but they are very busy people and can't always help. Especially with..." she clears her throat
"You know, you get it."

"Well, I'm sorry, but I can't help you -"

"Watch what you're saying, young man. The gods and goddesses didn't bless you just so you could yourself useless." She cut me off. Is she mad at me over something over this? I mean, I really dont know how to use any magic power out there .

" I know what you're thinking right now, but trust me, you'll get all of your gifts back, but because you needed to recover faster, your powers had to shut themselves down so that your body can recover faster. And besides, once you came with me to your school in the celestial capital, I'll personally tutor you, just like old times."she said, almost desperate. I might be imagining things, but I could swear I saw a diamond like tear rolling down her face

Despite the guilty feeling in my stomach, I had to decline
"I'm sorry, but I really don't think I can help you. God, I can't even remember the school you're talking about, and I don't want to leave my brother and my soulmate. I dont even know where I'll live there. "
I looked away, trying to avoid her sad face.

"Please, Tyler. You can live in your dorm. And they can visit you anytime. I'll make you a telepotation bracelet, which you can use on weekends to visit your brother. Your old friends are going to be there you won't be alone. Plus, I take my duty as a godmother very seriously, so I'll need to teach you a lot of stuff. I'll give you a week of consideration, but you can't tell anyone about the banshee attacks. You can talk to your brother about my proposal, but don't tell a living soul about the banshees, not even your brother or soulmate."

This is a lot to take in. I mean, what should i do? I don't want to leave them, and I've struggled to talk to people ever since I got out of the hospital. I hate chainges. What do I do if people expect too much of me ? The old me-.

Before I could finish all my questions, she started to vanish into the void
"Well, meet again sweetheart. "
After she finished, I could see my vision becoming a colorful mess, as if I stood up too fast. The pain in my body returning yet not as strong as before.

I looked around the room to see Damien and David talking. They didn't seem to notice me as they continued talking.

" Well, how is it my fault that -" Damion quit his santace as he noticed me open my eyes.

" We'll talk later." He stated, ending the argument. What were they arguing about?

Damien walked over to me with a soft smile on his face. I smiled back at him. He sat next to me on the hospital bed and put his hand on my cheek, stroking my face gently. I don't know why, but something felt off. I brushed it off because it's probably due to my tiredness...

...at least that's what i try to convince myself...

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