the hospital (1 )

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Water fills your lungs, and you don't have the strength to go up and gasp for air, knowing that you won't be able to make it out alive. Your body is littered with huge wounds that dirty the water around you. You suffocate in the depths of the water. You slowly open your eyes and see everything around you is blurry. The water has long turned a crimson shade of red. As you feel yourself hitting the ground of the sea and another wave of pain shooting through your body

I close my eyes and wait for death as I lose consciousness

I opened my eyes after something that felt like a minute.
My arching body shot up and gasped rapidly. I whined through my gasps and felt like crying.
My whole vision is blurry. After a bit, I could make out where I was. A hospital room. All the furniture is white, and about 20 machines were connected to my body. The actual thing that caught my attention is a red string on my finger. It felt good wearing it even when I didn't remember where it came from.

Suddenly, a wave of panic and reality hit me. HOW DID I GET HERE?!? WHO AM I ? WHAT HAPPENED?!? hot tears poured down my face as hundreds of questions filled my head.

Nurses and doctors rushed into my room and tried to calm me down

Darkness overcame my vision once again


These past few days were complete horror every time I tried to remember anything at all. My head started aching, and I felt like banging my head against the wall. I felt so bad for not even remembering my own soulmate and family. Let's not talk about friends, if I had any. But I found out that my name is Tyler Elrod
I'm 19 years old. I used to be a student at one of the best schools for magic.
I was one of the most trusted and talented students, which was why I was allowed to help the star heroes on a few missions. I fell into a coma for 9 months and lost my memory because of a really bad head injury. I wouldn't be allowed to attend a big mission, but no one expected the villain to be so strong.
My parents apparently died, and I have a brother who just turned 23 The red string on my finger is connected to my soulmate's finger. Apparently, I've met them before, but I can't remember who they are. It breaks my heart that I can't be with them.

I was told that they don't want to rush me and tell me more because I might not be stable enough. They said I won't be able to use a lot of power for the next month so I can recharge. It would help to relax and not overexhaust myself.

The doctors told me that I'll be able to leave when they run a few tests on me. They said that my memory can recover, but its unsure when. The advice they gave me was to do things that would remind me of my past. My brother just has to come and pick me up.

*I'm sorry for the time skips, but 1 week later,*

Doctor Ryan told me I'll see my brother in 1 hour. We'll spend some time talking, and then I'm finally free and can go. Sounds easy, but I don't know how he'll react. I was told that he was one of the few people visiting me regularly. He wasn't allowed to see me for the last week, so I don't panic.

Throughout the last week, I noticed countless scars littering my pale skin. Some were deep, some not. Will my soulmate love me, even with them?

A knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts.
The door opened, and Doctor Ryan walked in. He's one of my favorite doctors he is really nice to me and comforts me when I'm having a rough time.

"You're brother Daniel is here," he gently said with a smile.
I nodded, and he let him in while going out himself.
My brother walked in and smiled at me. He seemed so familiar, but I just can't get myself to remember him. It's like the word you're looking for is struck on your tongue but you can't remember what it's called.

"Sup, Lil bro. How are you? " He slowly walked towards me.

Daniel has messy brown hair and brownish, almost red eyes. He has small bags under his eyes but seemed like a nice person.

"Hello, Daniel."
I tested the words out on my tongue.

"Can I?" He asked while pointing to the place on my bed next to me.

"Of course," I said while making more places for him. He sat down and sadly smiled at me. I could tell he was on the verge of tears.

"So you really don't remember your good old brother, huh?"
I felt tears coming, so I looked away.

" I'm sorry, I really want to remember, but I can't." The tears are pouring down my cheeks

" It's not your fault, don't cry. Just please don't cry." He half hugged me as he put an arm wrapped around my shoulders. It felt comforting.

"Wanna hear the story of how we almost made the microwave explode when we were kids. It's was one of your favorite stores, so I think it'd maybe help you remember a bit." He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood

"Of course. "

"So it all happened when we were kids about 5 and 7. Mom and dad left because of an urgent meeting, and they hired a babysitter. She was about 16, and the only thing she did was hang on the phone and talk to her friends, so it didn't really matter if she was there or not. We told her that we were hungry, but she told us of it and got annoyed. So we decided to put matters into our own baby hands... disclaimer, it was a bad idea. We took out a Borito but didn't take it out of the aluminum wrapping and just put it into the microwave. We were just kids, so we had no idea that it's a bad decision to put metal in the microwave for five bloody minutes. After just 10 seconds, the microwave started making popping sound, but we thought that it's normal. After just 30 seconds, it made way worse sounds, and our babysitter noticed. Luckily, she was a water mage, so she saved our asses but I don't want to know what would have happened if she wasn't there. "

We started laughing about it.

"Hey, so I have a question."
He looked at me
"What's up?"

"Do you know who my soulmate is ?"


Heaven Is a Place In your Arms [BxB] !UNEDITED!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя