A new beginning? (9)

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When we arrived at the training hall,
I noticed just how gigantic it is. The walls are a cream color, and the ceiling was made out of glass.

"How did you sleep?"
She asked me,breaking the silence.
I don't know how to answer. I'm extremely tired and feel like I haven't slept at all.
I guess she took my silence as an answer as she nodded.

She grabbed into her shoulder bag and pulled out something from a side pocket.

"Try these tonight they might help you. You took the same once some time back to help you with your insomnia. Your brother already informed me about your nightmares"

"I've had problems sleeping before?" I asked

" Yes, it got so bad that you sometimes passed out due to exhaustion. If these still work, I'll bring you some more when you're done with these."
She explained with a gentle smile

"Thank you, I hope they work."
I was indeed very grateful for her help.

" By the way, what do I need this apple for?" I asked curiously

" I want you to try something."
She sat down on the floor and looked at me.
After a second of realization, I quickly sat down in front of her and criss crossed my legs.
She placed the apple in front of us.

" Ok, I need you to look closely at this apple. Don't look away. Just concentrate on the Apple. Everything else isn't important. Just you and the Apple."
I don't know how this is supposed to help, but I do as what she says.
I look at the apple and concentrate on the Apple as much as possible. Suddenly, a picture of Damien pops up in my mind.

"You're not concentrating. What's on you'r mind?"

I was about to answer, but then I remembered the Damien from my dreams. I think for now, i shouldn't talk about him.

" Nothing, don't worry, I'm just a bit tired."
I could tell she looked directly through my lie but didn't bother saying anything.

"I'll just try again."
I concentrated on the apple that was sitting in front of me.
"Bring your body and mind at peace.
I did as she said
"Direct your energy on the apple."
I once again followed her order and blacked out every sound.
I felt my hands heated up a bit, and my heart burned, but not In a bad way. It's more like a comforting feeling of adrenaline.

A water platform appeared unther the apple, lifting it up into the air.
A wave of energy flew over my body.

" You did it." I flinched when I heard Delia's voice, I completely forgot she was in the room.
Realization hit me, making my mouth turn upwards into a huge smile.


"I'm so glad to see you improve already. I was so worried a blessed child like you would go to waste."
She says gently, but her words burn into my head immediately.
What would happen if I really didn't get back my gifts. Then, I would be as useless as the "G" in Lasagne.
But for real now, why would you put a G in there.
Delta broke the silence.
"We need to talk about tomorrow..."


A new beginning.
I guess. I sighed as I looked into the mirror. Today is my first day of actual school.

I took one of these pills last night, and even tho, I still had unpleasant dreams. It was far better than the dreams I usually have.

I slept way more, too, and didn't suddenly wake up panting.

I finished getting ready and made my way towards the counter to get something for breakfast.

I decided to eat an Apple sandwiche with almond butter and granola.

As I finished eating, I had to hurry to find the guy who was supposed to guide me to class. The problem is that I have no clue how to find him.

The anxiety inside of me is growing by the second.
A knock on the front door brought me back to reality.

I quickly went to open the door to see a boy standing there. With huge round glasses balancing on his nosebridge.
He wore a cozy garnet red sweater with two thin yellow stripes. Demnem wide legged Jean that are cuffed at the end. And a oversized leather jacked. He wore black Converse, and his hair was fluffy and a dirty blonde shade. His soft features compliment his big green doe eyes.
A small smile plastered on his lips.
I've seen this boy somewhere before, I just can't remember where from.

"Good morning, Tyler."
He greeted me.

"Good morning...uhm-"

" You don't remember me? It's Lio."
I could see the hurt in his eyes.
He looked a bit uncomfortable.
" I'm really sorry. I don't remember anyone, I kind of lost my memory. My deepest apologies. " I find myself talking too, mich, so I shut up and look at my feet.

Guilt overcoming me.
Just now, reality hits me 1000 mph.
If he tells anyone about my memories,
A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of what could happen. Every possible scenario is playing in my head.

A gentle hand landed on my shoulder.

"It's ok, I understand. I'm sorry about my reaction. I was just shocked. You don't need to apologize when it's not your fault. Really. If you want, i can keep it a secret. "
His words calmed me down a bit, and I managed to look up to him to see his face.
A comforting smile ensures my doubts and questions.

"Thank you... Lio." I smile back at him.

" By the way, we need to get to class or else we'll be late."

We made our way to first class. Which is biology.
I followed him like a lost puppy. As I took a look around the halls, I noticed everyone looking at us... at me, with wide eyes. Wispers and gaspings filled the halls.
Guess I was popular?

"Why is everyone staring like that?" I asked. I mean, it's weird, don't they have a life. Even if I was popular. How is it possible for everyone to know me. I assumed that they might have forgotten about me. Like a rumor that will be forgotten after a week.

"Did nobody tell you?"
He asked wide-eyed

"Ask what?" I asked in pure confusion.

" You were the star student, one of the best and strongest heroes. You saved so many lives and never asked for anything in return. You were a straight A student. Perfect in every kind of magic, and always pushed yourself to your hardest. Always learning new material arts trick.
Everyone loved you, you where always nice to everyone and never looked down on anyone, no matter their rank. Maybe I'll find a few videos of you if you give me time. But I'm sure I'll find something. You even had fan pages. How could've no one told you?"

I was stunned as he blurred out the whole truth. That makes so much sense now. But how - how did I let myself turn from hero to a nobody.
My head was spinning at the new information. How do I act in front of people now. One wrong step, and it's over. It's too much to handle.

By my silence, Lio understood.
I kept my head low to avoid any type of eye contact.

We finally arrived at our class. As we sat down, the final bell rang, and a woman walked in. She wore a white dress with pastel colored little flowers on it. A white cardigan to keep her warm black mary janes and ruffle socks. Her long, wavy hair was open except for two strands of it that connected in the back with a white flower clip.

He looked like the nicest person on earth.

The lesson began, and she introduced me to the class.
The wispers and wide eyes filled my eyes and ears, making me feel uncomfortable.

This is going to be a long day...

Heaven Is a Place In your Arms [BxB] !UNEDITED!Where stories live. Discover now