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Algiers, Algeria.

After Aman leaves, I send little Abdullah to go give her a bottle of iced water, as that was all I could find. I pass by the women's section so many times today just in case I run into her to know if she's fine, and when I don't see her, I decide to call her brother to let him know what happened.

"Assalamu alaikum, Aamir?" I greet him immediately, and he picks up, "Waalikumus salam, Akhi, how are you?" "Fine, Alhamdulillah, you?" I ask, "I'm good too. Alhamdulillah, is everything fine?" He questions, "Well, um, I just thought to let you know that maybe you should come pick up. Aman, she hit her head really hard earlier, and I haven't seen her since," I explain.

"Lahaula, Wallahil Azim, this girl is so clumsy and stubborn," he exclaims, "it wasn't her fault really." I try to say, "You don't know Aman, bro. It might not be her fault, but she's too stubborn to ask for help. I'll be right over, okay, Jazakallah khairan," he says. "Wa iyyak," I reply before I end the call.

With my mind now at ease, I go back to helping the kids get ready for their Qur'an recitation, which is almost due. I see Aamir come in thirty minutes later with his phone to his ear, so I refrain myself from going to ask how Aman is doing.

About five minutes later, Aman walks out, and I can tell from Aamir's stance that he's yelling at her. I pick up my car keys and head over to say bye to the brothers before leaving. I give it a few minutes after I see Aamir and his sister head for the parking lot before I exit the mosque.

Hours later, after I come home from the mosque, I finally summon the courage to call Aamir to ask him about Aman and how she's coping. When I call and he doesn't pick up, I decide to leave him a message.

"Assalamu alaikum, Aamir, I just wanted to know if you did come to check up on Aman, and I hope she's feeling much better. My regards to the whole family. Good night."

I drop my phone and head downstairs for some snacks before I go to bed. I open up the fridge and bring out a chocolate bar. "Baba, I want to talk to you," Mama says from the kitchen door.

"I'll be right there," I reply, walking further into the pantry to look for some water I can take back upstairs with me.

"Yes, Mama, what do you want to talk about?" I ask as I take a seat close to her. "Your father and I spoke earlier concerning when you are going to bring someone home, and I decided to give you time, ok, and I'm sorry if it seemed like I was trying to rush you into things," she apologises.

"It's fine, mama." I know it's coming from a good place, ok?" I say, "and I'll try my best insha'Allah, just give me  time." I sigh, and she nods, so I get up and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'm off to bed," I say. "One more thing," she chimes, causing me to pause as I ascend the stairs. "If you do have someone in mind, feel free to talk to either your father or me, ok?" "Insha'Allah Mama," I nodded.

I make my way back up to my room and drop the water on my bedside table. My appetite for snacking is long gone. I brush my teeth and check my phone for any reply from Aamir. When I see none, I turn on my alarm before switching off the lights and drifting off. I need my beauty sleep before I wake up for tahajjud.

Assalamu alaikum
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Much love 💌.

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