Yang: "Come on, there's a mixed bath right next to us and from what I heard, it's completely empty. We can just invite him over for-"

She's then swiftly cut off by Weiss's hand being place over her mouth. The blushing former heiress snaps back.

Weiss: "We're here to relax and nothing more!"

Ruby goes to tap her two fingers together, still blushing as she retorts.

Ruby: "I-I mean, I wouldn't mind it if he and I-"

Weiss: "Not another word from you, dolt! Don't let her suggestion get to you."

Yang goes to put Weiss's hand away from her mouth as she continues speaking, standing up from her spot.

Yang: "Well, if you girls don't want to, then I'll go by myself. And I'll just scrub his back and we'll-"

Before she fully gets out of the pool, Weiss and Ruby grabs Yang's arm and pull her back in.

Ruby & Weiss: "You're staying here!"

Yang: "Aww..."

(A Few Moments Later)

After that little shenanigan, the three girls all sit at the pool with Yang sitting between Ruby and Weiss. They all exhale in relaxation before falling into silence for a couple moments before Ruby speaks up.

Ruby: "You know... it's kind of sad Blake isn't here to enjoy this."

The pleased look in Yang's face slowly fades into a frown. 

Yang: "Yeah, well, she isn't. No use dwelling on it."

This makes Ruby frown as she looks to her sister.

Ruby: "Yang..."

Simultaneously, Weiss's brow shoots into her hairline as she asks Yang.

Weiss: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Visibly bitter and scowling, Yang replies back. 

Yang: "I mean she could've been here if she just stuck around. It's no big deal though. We'll be fine."

Ruby: "Don't you want her here?"

The blonde girl just scoffs at this.

Yang: "Why would I want her here?"

Ruby and Weiss have concerned expressions on their faces as they look at each other only for Ruby to ask further.

Ruby: "Yang... are you still mad at Blake for leaving?"

Yang responds, dripping with bitter sarcasm.

Yang: "Oh, whatever gave you that idea, Ruby? No, I'm totally fine. I'm doing great."

Weiss: "Okay, calm down."

Upon hearing this, Yang turns to them, her hair flickering with flame, her eyes glowing red.

Yang: "Don't tell me to calm down!"

Ruby and Weiss gain startled expressions, backing away a bit from Yang as the water surrounding her begins to boil. 

Ruby: "Whoa, Yang!"

Realizing what she did, Yang does actually calm down to a more suitable level though, she's obviously disinterested in the more joyous mood they had going earlier as she scoffs. 

Yang: "Whatever."

She's actually about to leave the hot spring pool when Nora's voice carries in from the shower room as she shouts out loud.

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