Chapter 1.1

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Hi to all my friends.  Dont kill me because of the short chapter.  this is not the full chapter, but it is how i wrote it because it was supposed to be a short story.  I will upload the other two parts during the day.  I wasnt planning on adding this story to wattpad so i hope it doesnt suck.  Have fun and please tell me what you think.

PS  I have changed it from short story to romance and now from romance to fantasy.

Please read, enjoy, comment and if you like it, vote and share please.  :)

This chapter is dedicated to my friend cleveteen98. Thanks for the inspiration and help. You are a true friend.

Picture on the side Nidhi.

Mumbai – A city that never sleeps or that is what the people say. It is the most popular city of India and even after all these years of modernization the heart of the city still overflow with traditional Indian culture making it the perfect place to learn about the vibrant country.

In this great city lives more than twenty five million people and with them … a girl named Nidhi and she was special. The meaning of her name was WEALTH. Nidhi always thought she was just another girl but she was kept in dark by her family, because they didn’t want her to grow up too fast. She had a destiny, she was the chosen one. She was a princess, an Indian Princess.

Nidhi loved her family but like in any other home, things weren’t always sunshine and roses. Nidhi didn’t like herself very much but she was smart and good at a lot of things. Her parents wanted the best for her but she always thought they didn’t like her very much.

Nidhi was busy preparing for her exams when she heard voices coming from the kitchen. She didn’t make anything of it until the voices came closer and closer to her door.

“She is not ready, you cannot do this to her now. She is too young and she has lived a sheltered life. Please don’t do this, not yet please.” She heard her mother beg. Her bedroom door opened and a person she has never seen before stepped into her room followed by her teary eyed mother.

Nidhi looked confused and scared from her mother to the stranger. “Mother, why are you crying and what is going on?”

“O my dear child, you have to go away for a little while, this is a great leader and a family friend and he is here to take you to a school far from here. I am so sorry but it is out of our hands, it is your destiny.” Nidhi's mother cried. “You don’t have time to say goodbye to anyone and I am so sorry for that. You need to pack only the most important things you will need for a three day trip. You can’t take too much only a few things.” Her mother started repeating herself and Nidhi knew it was because she was upset.

“I don’t want to leave, I want to stay here. Why are you doing this to me, I have everything here, my friends my schooling, my family? You are trying to get rid of me you think I am a disappointment to my family.”

Her mother didn’t answer her, she turned away and left Nidhi’s room.

An Indian Princess - A Modern Day Fairytale (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now