Chapter one - After the Coronation

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10th Sep 2023

Chapter 1

The moon's silvery light shone through the leaves of the ancient Tree of Life, casting a glow over the land. Kion and Rani, the king and queen, stand side-by-side, gazing over their kingdom.

Kion: "I never thought I would be king. Because the only way I would be king was because..."

He zoned out.

Rani nudged him "Hey, you okay?"

She reaches out, her paw and puts on his.

Kion: " I'm fine. It's just... a lot to take in."

She nuzzling him.

Rani: "Let's go inside."

Kion nods, and they begin to make their way towards the tree. As they enter, Makini, the royal Majusi, looks up from her work.

Makini: "Your Highness, is everything alright?"

Rani smiled at her and started.

Rani: "Oh it's noth-"

They are interrupted by Zazu, the royal adviser to King Simba, Kion's father.

Zazu: "Good evening, Your Majesties. King Simba asked me to inform you that the Pride Landers will be going back, tomorrow evening."

Kion looked at Zazu weirdly because of the formality.

Kion: "Thank you, Zazu."

Zazu: "You're quite welcome and Congratulations on your coronation King Kion."

Kion muttered a thanks as Zazu took off.

Makini: "I think I should go see you in the morning."

Rani smile in agreement.

Makini quietly leaves, leaving Kion and Rani. She tugs on his mane, getting a soft "owww" from him, followed by laughter.

Kion: "That hurt!"

They sat on a rock together.

Rani: "Finally, peace."


Rulers Of The Tree Of Life | Season 4 of The Lion Guard | King Kion & Queen RaniOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz