Chapter nine - Prince by Blood

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Chapter 9

The guards were making their way slowly to the Tree of Life. Once they arrived, they all headed inside the Tree of Life. 

Kiara hugged Kion once again as a way of saying thanks. Kovu, Nala, and Simba smiled appreciatively at the Guards. 

Everyone started settling down in the Tree. Kion and Rani hopped on the rock, Rani sat down with her paws in front while Kion laid down with his head on her paws and his eyes closed.

Simba looked at the Lion Guard and then at the Night and Day Pride. 

The tension in the air was impossible to not notice, it was suffocating. 

Simba breaking the silence said, "Do we have any leads on how this fire started?"

He looked at the Lion Guard, Night, and Day Pride. 

Vitani stepped forward.

Vitani: "It may be just the dry season. Fires can happen naturally, especially in the pride lands." 

She glanced around.

The Queen's gentle chuckle earned a glare from her.

Rani: "Dry season? Vitani, you do realize there is a mix of biomes here, meaning that there isn't really a dry season here," 

Surak: "Rani's right. There isn't a single 'dry season' that would lead to a fire like that."

Vitani: "How do you guys have many biomes without having a Savannah?" 

Rani looked at her as if she was stupid.

Kion: "Yeah, there are savannah-like areas, but they're on the other side of the tree, far from our borders which are mainly forests, and the main entrance which is snowy mountains. It's highly unlikely a fire from there could have spread all the way here."

He said still with his eyes closed.

Vitani annoyed said "Oh, please! How would you even know? You were too busy rescuing your precious sister, who couldn't even protect herself,"

Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kion growled

Nala: "Vitani, that's enough," 

"That is my son and daughter you are speaking about" Simba warned.

Kovu stepped forward.

Kovu: "Vitani, how could you say that? I thought you and Kiara were getting along."

"Then you must be blind brother," she said proudly.

Everyone was taken aback.

Fuli: "What the hell is going on with you, Vitani? Why are you starting fights with every single person?" 

Bunga: "Yeah, and you had the guts to disrespect both the king of the Tree of Life! And the Future Queen of the Pridelands,"

Simba: "She did what?!"

Vitani: "I don't care. He shouldn't have disrespected my position as the leader of the Lion Guard in the first place," 

Bunga and Fuli started arguing with her and soon Ono then Anga and then Baliyo joined in the argument it was just one speaking over another.

Simba, let out a roar to silence everyone. Kion sighed opened his eyes and sat next to Rani.

Simba: "He has every right. The leader of the Lion Guard should be the second born to the King and Queen of the Pride Lands,"

He paused for a minute and then continued.

Simba: "It doesn't matter if you are the future king's sister. Kion is the Prince of the Pride Lands and always will be by blood. So rightfully, it is his place, not yours."

Vitani glared at Simba.

"That's not fair" she spat "I have rightfully won the position."

Kion and Rani looked at each other with annoyed eyes.

Kion: "Sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision by making you the leader of the lion Guard."

Vitani: "Excuse me,"

She growled at Kion, he wasn't even looking at her but Rani was. Out of frustration, Vitani jumped towards him in hopes of attacking him. Rani stopped her by pushing her into the wall.

Everyone gasped, and Kovu ran toward his sister. Kion got up and walked towards Rani.

He whispered to her nuzzling her " You didn't have to do that" 

She looked at him and rolled her eyes. She turned back to Vitani, walking towards her soon cornering her and Kovu who stood beside her.

Rani: "Listen 'cause I'm only gonna say this once. If you touch or disrespect my mate again I will have you banished from the Tree of Life."

She looked her dead in the eyes, then Kovu, and then back to her.


Sorry if the Vitani and Kion issue was a little too much. I just have some weird issues with her. But she will eventually be good in the story.

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