Chapter eight - An Argument

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Chapter 8

Baliyo walked in Vitani's direction. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

Baliyo: "Hey, Vitani, looks like you could use some help,"

He started to push dirt on the fire to make it stop.

"Thanks, Baliyo," she replied. "But my guard and I managed to put out the fire."

Bunga who was nearby shouted, "Hey, but we are the ones who did most of the work!"

Fuli, Ono, and Beshte looked at one another and sighed.

Kion yawned and Rani started to get annoyed.

Surak and Nirmala looked at Rani for answers and she explained it to them.

Vitani: "Oh, please. We were the ones who started putting out the flames from the very beginning."

Bunga looked at her as if she was insane.

Bunga: "You literally just got here and-"

The Queen's brother cut Bunga off.

Baliyo: "Hey, guys, let's not fight, the fire is gone now,"

Bunga: "Yeah, well, maybe if the Lion Guard had arrived on time, we wouldn't have had to do most of the work!"

Kion: "That's enough, Bunga,"

He and Rani made their way to them. Vitani glared at Kion.

Vitani: "Maybe if you hadn't taken charge and made all the decisions without asking me, we wouldn't be in this mess."

Kion trying to control his temper said "I made the decisions I thought were best for everyone. And I don't need your approval to lead."

Beshte: "Guys, let's focus on what's important. We put out the fire, and that's what matters."

Vitani: "No, listen here, your majesty,"

She mocked, getting in front of Kion.

Vitani: "Just because you are the king of the Tree of Life doesn't mean you are the king of me since I don't live at the Tree of Life."

He stared at her blankly. The queen, on the other hand, was absolutely furious.

Kion looked at Rani and she looked at him, he gently placed his paw on hers. He shook his head, she took a deep breath.

Kion: "Well done, everyone, for putting down the fire. Let's get back to the Tree of Life."

The day and night pride nodded in agreement.

Vitani: "I don't take orders from you, Kion. I am the leader of my guard, and I will not be ordered to anything."

Kion now annoyed by how childish Vitani was being said "Vitani, this isn't about power or control."

Baliyo: "Vitani, please; let's just get back to the Tree of Life."

Vitani: "I don't need your opinion. I can handle this on my own."

Or did she?

She lunged towards Kion, trying to attack him.

But Nirmala jumped in between them, Surak walked next to Nirmala.

Surak: "Vitani, enough!"

Out of spite and anger, she muttered a fine and made her way to the Tree of Life. Her Lion Guard followed her once they were out of sight.

Kion: "What has gotten into her,"

Bunga: "She is unbungalievable,"

Fuli annoyed said, "I think I should give her a piece of my mind."

Baliyo: "I think she is just tired or something"

Rani looked at her brother weirdly "How is that an excuse to act like an entitled piece of trash,"


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