"Because he is not Min Yoongi"

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The reflection of black hair jigged when the figure raised his head between his folded arms on the glass desk and sat straight,squinted eyes roamed at the surroundings and stopped beside his arms,where the reason of his roused silenced.

Last night when his uncle left after finishing the discussion around 1 pm he thought it would be a good idea to check on some files related to the meeting.He was so immersed in those black printed document to be observant at the ticking sound of the time piece around his wrist or to know when his eyelids conjoined on the glass desk of his cubicle.

He took the phone into his fingers and slided the green icon when the device toot once again flashing the familiar contact.

-' Yaaa!!Kim Taehyung,did you forget your not in korea!!
It is literally 6---'

-'Have you contacted joon yesterday?'

Seokjin slumped back on the cozy chair,a sigh of relief passed per his nose as he closed his eyes.At least his brother is alive.

-'Tae-ah i dropped him in front of min corps after finalizing the hall.He is o--'

'Hyung!! His phone is unreachable from yesterday evening!
Did he call you back after reaching home?'

Seokjin flicked his eyes open.No.
Namjoon didn't informed him like he does everyday.After the accident seokjin'd set the rule for namjoon to inform him everyday after reaching home without a scratch and he did untill....yesterday.The thought went out of his head as the sudden call of meeting from his uncle.
'How could I be so careless'
He sat straight.

-'Just give me a second,I will inform you after talking to him and...'


'Don't worry he will be ok'.

When the beep sound subsided he dialed namjoon's number but it went on voice male.He dialed it once again,twice,thrice untill he made a move from his chair and stood outside of the lavishing twelve storeyed building.He mentally thanked his uncle for leaving a ride behind when the suv stopped ahead him.

Even after instructing Mr.han to apropos min house,even after feeling the subtle jerk of the car moving,the vibration of taehyung's tensed sigh didn't left his mind.The wieght of regret he brooked everyday after the accident is already getting unbearable for him.If anything happened to his precious brother again,he will die before adding another regret.


Yoongi jolted his droopy eyes,unanaemic about the time of their confinement.He slowly trailed his eyes down as the male in his arms stired a little.Leaning his head on the bedrest he freed his immured breath when namjoon nuzzled more into his chest,soft snore filled the room once again.

Last night when the brunette'd requested yoongi to stay with him he couldn't deny it but his mind'd warned him about the past records of going traitorous everytime the proximity between them decreased.Well the night was really difficult for yoongi but not for the reason he'd assumed.

At the first half an hour everything was alright.Namjoon's soft breath that filled the room coincided his heartbeat to lull his mind.Not after a second,his eyelids flung open as soon they came together when he felt a jerk.
Frowning he turned his narrowed gaze down and blinked when he saw namjoon's whole body is shaking but his eyes were closed.He could see his lips were moving too,making his hold to go tight around the male.

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