|21| shadow monster

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The all made it to a wall of what seemed to be smoke. But they all knew what it was. Shadow.

"The Fold should have fallen by now." Nikolai looked up.

As Nikolai looked around, Tolya turned to Tamar. "Did she find the Fire Bird?"

His sister looked at him as they descended the hill. "Well. Long story short, it's Mal."

"I'm sorry... did you say Mal is a bird?" Jesper asked incredulously.

Nikolai limped down faster to catch up with the Shu siblings. "Still no sign of Kirigan."

Lightning flashed in the fold, visible through the smoky cloud wall separating them from the darkness that fills the sky on the other side.

"We go in, we find Alina and Mal." Nikolai nodded at his own decision. Kaz limped up to him and hesitantly handed him his cane. "Don't you need it?"

Kaz shrugged. "I've got more experience with pain."

"Yes," said Danielle and she stepped forward. "And you still have yet to let me heal you."

Kaz turned and looked down at her. "Maybe I like the pain."

The others awkwardly glanced at each other.

Nikolai took the cane. "Thanks."

Tolya stepped in first. Tamar going after her brother and Nikolai going next. Nadia and Adrik jogged after them. Jesper took hold of Wylan's hand and they walked in together. Kaz and Danny did the same.

They all walked through the halls in the fort, looking around for the others when they heard wet noises and crunching. In front of them was a volcra devouring a soldier's body. Bones and all.

Tolya rushed to find a door and once he did he ushered everyone in. Jesper had pushed Wylan in along with Danny as he knew even though they're tough, they're the smallest and weakest. Nikolai and the two Squallor siblings ran in next with the remaining three people rushed in too.

"Metal hinges, Jesper." Kaz called out. The Zemeni man speed walked to the door to weld it shut.

A slithering sound erupted behind them.

Danny slowly turned around and screamed when she saw it.

A nichevoya grew in size just a few years s away from the group. Nikolai limped forward. "Everyone back!"

"Kirigans shadow monster..." Tolya looked at the nichevoya in mixed disgust and amazement.

"Bu-b-but without the blade how do you kill a shadow?!" Wylan freaked out.

"All we have is this." Adrik looked at his sister and tighter they summoned air to blow it away from them all. It disappeared for a few moments before coming back bigger.

Wylan's dug through his backpack until he found what he thought could help. "Everyone shield your eyes, don't move!" He tossed the bomb at the monster and right in impact, it disappeared again.

"YES. My man!" Jesper fist bumped the air. "I mean we haven't actually put a label on it, yeah? I mean. He did that."

Kaz backed up, pushing Danny behind him in a protective manor.

Before them stood an even bigger nichevoya. Tamar and Tolya look out their weapons.

"Jesper!" Screeched Danny, "UNDO THE DOOR."

He tripped over his feet as he spun around to face the door.

Tolya, Tamar, and Nikolai dough the monster with weapons that they sadly knew would do nothing but with no other hope they had no choice. Nadia stood next to Jesper who was comforting his boyfriend. Danny sat behind one of the chapel's benches. Everyone else was still fighting the shadow being when it happened.

Light flooded the room through the big windows in each side of the building. "Saints... she did it." Danny peeked her head up.

"Then why is it still here?" Tamar asked with her eyes still on the monster.

"The sun can't kill it!" Tolya noticed. He lunged at the nichevoya but he got flung away. Tamar ran to his side. Nikolai ran up next, swinging the crow headed cane around. The nichevoya grabbed the prince and held him up against a wooden pillar.


He swung his sword at the shadow monster aggressively, yet again not doing anything. Suddenly, a yellow mist covered the nichevoya.

It disappeared.

For good this time.

Tolya caught the falling Nikolai. Nadia spoke up. "Kirigan must be dead."

Now that it was gone, Kaz limped his way to his love. "Are you alright?" He asked. He wiped off the blood on her forehead made by a little cut.

"Yes. Are you?" Her coffee brown eyes looked into his piercing blue eyes.

"Never better." He replied. Pulling her to him by her waist, he pecked her lips. "Let's get out of here."

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