|15| a willow tree

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Years ago...

Blindly, a fourteen year old Danielle ran through a small opening, a small lake, more like a big pond, being the desired destination. A willow tree hung over it, the branches and leaves swaying in the cool breeze.

Following her, a young Kaz, around sixteen. "Wait-"  the boy limped behind her. "I can't run Ellie!"

She slowed down to a stop, turning around waiting for the boy.

It had now been three years since they met. He had grown quite fond of the girl, learning she is nothing but kind hearted. She had learned that he is quiet, strong yet quiet. He's a confident boy, but deep inside, he's soft. For her.

The three years made him feel closer and more open. But only for her. In the three years, he had become less distant to anyone and everyone. He still didn't like people, still doesn't, but they were more tolerable with her with him. Life seemed better now.

With Jordie gone, he never thought he could be happy with anyone ever again. But Danielle Anastasia Turner changed him.

Danny waited for him, impatiently. She watched him try to fast walk with his limp. He found a stick and picked it up for help.

Once the two made their way to the pond, they sat down, the girl taking her shoes off and placing her feet into the cool water.

Some koi fish swam around the two teens' feet. Danny pulled out some fish feed from her pouch. She scattered it around the pond where she was. Fish swam quickly to get some. It also wasn't just koi. There were a few bass, some minnows, shubunkins, and two catfish.

The fish has all flocked to Danny, some nipping at her feet making her face cringe at the tickling sensation.

Kaz watched the girl in awe. She's just so perfect, he thought.

"Thanks..." she giggled.


"For the compliment." She looked to him. He had a slight panic.

I said that out loud? He thought again.

A silence.


Just thought I'd give another little snippet of their life together before all the criming :) next chapter will be back to the show

Love can find you |~ Kaz Brekker ~|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora