|20| a grisha battle

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The eight of them had made their way to Ravka. Some anxious, some not. Some excited surprisingly.

By the time they docked, they saw the fold expanding. "Bloody bell." Jesper muttered. He fiddled with the handle of his guns.

"Well. There's no saving them from right here. Come on guys." Tolya jumped down and began to run. Zoya, Nina, and Inej ran off to find the ships into the fold.

"Alright you guys. Let's go!" Danielle ran down the ramp followed by the others. Tolya split from the group, the other four staying together and climbing up a post onto a roof. From there they could here the shouting and gun shots. Air gushing and screams filled the atmosphere.

Smoke and gun powder began to fill the air. Dust got kicked up from the running around.

Wylan dug through his backpack to find his explosives. Kaz had some trouble climbing up the roof. Danny grabbed his gloves hand and yanked him up with a grunt. Wylan lit up the explosive, and with all his might, he threw it.

When they heard it go off that's when they made their way to the top.

"Where did that come from?!" They heard.

Kaz spoke first. "My demolitions expert."

Wylan was shocked. "'Expert'?" The three looked at him. "I mean.. yes. Expert."

The four got down and Jesper used his Durast abilities to open the gate as it had been mended shut. He pulled out his guns and ran forward. Wylan took out two vials and dashed forward as well.

"What nightmare have we gotten ourselves into?" Kaz muttered. With the help of Danny, he managed to hide behind a wooden plank.

"Why is Sturmond here?" Jesper asked a short haired woman.

"Around here he goes by Nikolai." She replied.

Jesper glanced back at the prince. "Nikolai Lantsov. All this time? Close personal friend."

"And- and you are?"

"You must be Tamar. We came with your brother." Wylan informed.

A frustrated grunt was heard from a few yards away. With that, Jesper looked to Wylan who nodded. He crawled forward and started shooting. The two squallor siblings walked up with him.

As the sharpshooter was about to make a shot, the tidemaker in front of him used her abilities to freeze his gun. He dropped it with a wince.

"If only you've been born Grisha, you'd know what it means-"

"To be blessed?" He finished her sentence. He bath to tear at the buttons of his suit and then threw them at lightning speed at the woman.

One of the Grisha next to here summoned lightning. Kaz took that as a chance to help and he threw his cane like a spear into the ground right in front of the man. It observed the energy and the man made a face at the crow headed cane.

"I have datura meloxia!" Wylan uncapped the vial in his hand.

"Wylan! Now!" Elle yelled across the way from him.

The boy stumbled up. "Air support." Nadia summoned air and with her help he was able to make the powder go straight into the enemy's eyes. Tamar then tossed her axe and it went straight into his skull.

The tidemaker screamed, she thrusted out her hand with a roar obit to see her fingers were sliced clean off. "You..." she looked to Jesper.

He shrugged with a smirk.

"You're a..."

Nikolai got up and put a gun to her head. He shot her neck and down she went. With Danielle's help, Kaz limped over to his cane. He plucked it from the ground.

"I didn't realize you were patriots." The prince said.

"Well, if you die, we don't get paid."

Behind them, Tolya jumped down from behind a fence. "Sister!" The two siblings crashed into each other with a large bear hug.

"The blade. Did you find it?" Asked the privateer.

"Inej has it." Ellie cut in. "They've gone to find Alina and Mal."

"We have to do the same. If Kirigan brought the fight here, he's gunning for her."

"I've cleared us a way into the fort." Said Tolya. "Come on."

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